
Dangers and Annoyances


I have moved around London over the last 15 years, and have never once been robbed, attacked or abused either on or off the gay scene. However, like any big city it can and does happen - so the message is not to be paranoid, but if you are sensible and streetwise your chances of something happening will be dramatically reduced.

Here are a few guidelines which I use for myself:


  There are plenty of dodgy taxis in London - but not the 'Black Cabs' London Black CabLondon's Black Cabs are probably the best taxis in the world - instances of problems with these are extremely rare. It takes several years for the drivers to learn "The Knowledge"  which involves memorising every tiny road (even ones miles and miles outside the centre), as well as all the theatres,  major hotels, tourist attractions, etc. The cabs can take a wheelchair, and the drivers will always use the meter. They are easy to spot and flag down - even if they are not always black!





"Murder is always a mistake. . . One should never do anything that one cannot talk about after dinner."
    - Oscar Wilde

Minicab Drivers:
Whilst London "Black Cabs" are among the best taxis in the world, anyone can park their normal car outside a club and offer lifts for a fee. Whilst reputable minicab firms do exist in London, many of the drivers hanging around outside clubs are operating illegally, and are not insured for fare paying passengers. Also, they do not always know their way around London, which is a bit of a drawback for a taxi driver. That said, I confess that I have used them fairly often, and virtually never had any problems - apart from having to give detailed directions once or twice - oh, and occasionally  being asked for sex (if you call that a problem!). However, assaults are sometimes reported in the press, and women in particular should beware. 

If in the light of my warnings, you still decide to use an unlicensed minicab, ALWAYS agree a price beforehand (and preferably have sufficient change to pay).

Illegal Taxi Touts:
If you think minicabs can be dodgy, they are nothing in comparison to illegal taxi touts. These are individuals who hang around rail stations such as Victoria, Waterloo, Paddington etc. waiting to pounce on unsuspecting travelers arriving in London. If one decides to target you, he will approach you and offer a 'luxury' or 'personal' taxi service, or whatever . They will probably carry your bag to a waiting car, drive you to your destination (if you are lucky), then charge you an astronomical amount - say £100. When you protest, they will point out that their service is 'special' or 'luxury', and may then get very aggressive. Needless to say all of this is illegal, and the best advice is to avoid, avoid, avoid.

Leaving Clubs Late at Night:
This is a time to be particularly cautious, especially if you look obviously gay, and especially in Vauxhall, Brixton or in the East End (e.g. leaving clubs like the Block). I have never had any problems personally, but attacks are reported from time to time in the gay press.  So be sensible - ask the doorman for their advice on the best way to get back to your hotel. There are invariably minicabs available right outside the doors of clubs (but see my warnings above!) - and the doorman should be able to order a black cab for you if you wish.

Cottaging and Outside Cruising:
You do not need me to tell you about the many dangers associated with these activities. Having sex in public places is illegal in the UK (see The Law), and is something the police rigourously enforce - particularly in public toilets in Central London where plain clothed officers often patrol. Be warned.

"Near Beer Bars":
Soho is the centre of the gay scene in London, but it is also a red-light district and has a number of undesirable establishments which the police seem powerless to stop. These dodgy bars often have a lady on the doorway to entice the punters in. Once inside the hapless customer suddenly finds that his half pint of non-alcoholic beer, and the five minute chat to the lady has cost say £200. Violence may then be threatened, and suddenly you have a problem. I have not yet heard of these bars using attractive men to entice in gays, but it could happen. Bisexuals should particularly beware. Non of the trustworthy gay establishments I know ever attempt to lure customers inside (at least not in this way!).

Street Vendors:
Around Oxford Circus tube, you will probably see street vendors selling "designer" perfume, "gold", etc. from the top of hastily erected boxes. Avoid. Amazingly, each vendor might have ten or more colleagues supporting him - including several lookouts, someone with more merchandise, and a least half a dozen girls crowding round and looking eager to hand over ten pound notes for the goods. This is all a ploy to attract customers - the perfume will be counterfeit, the gold will turn green, and you will have a good chance of getting pick-pocketed whilst you crowd in to watch. What fun.

Tips are sometimes included in restaurant bills, sometimes not. However, a fairly common trick in some establishments is to include a service charge in the bill, but then present you with a credit card bill which invites you to add a tip. Unless you are happy to tip them twice over, always ask if service is included.

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