logo Soho
Map of Soho "Karl Marx lived here" - wall plaque
(venues which are reviewed in detail are in bold)
Venue Type          Facilities
7 Prowler gay shop selling everything Sh
8 Rupert Street smart gay bar Alc, Fd
9 Village Soho gay bar Alc, Fd
10 Comptons gay bar - rough crowd downstairs, softer upstairs, Alc, RT
11 Daniel Poole shop/hairdresser Sh
12 Paradiso sex clothes Sh, NG
13 Clone Zone gay shop Sh
14 Admiral Duncan friendly gay bar Alc,
15 Kettners champagne bar Alc, NG
16 Maison Bertaux cafe Fd, NG, Ent
17 Stockpot cheap cafe £! Alc,Fd, NG
18 Boy shop Sh, NG
19 Barcode popular gay bar Alc,
20 Bar Italia coffee shop Fd, NG
21 The Yard gay bar with outside courtyard Alc, Fd
22 American Retro shop Sh
23 Church Yard cruising  
24 79CXR big, cruisy and popular gay bar Alc,
25 Ku Bar gay bar mostly catering for a younger crowd Alc,
26 Chuen Cheng  Ku restaurant Alc, Fd, NG


is the very centre of the gay scene in London, and Old Compton Street is the epicentre. If you have just arrived in London and want to home straight in on gay bars and the company of other gays, just head here.

However, Soho is much more than the gay scene. it is steeped in history, and has been the home to many famous people - Karl Marx, Mozart, Wagner, and Casanova to name a few. It is one of the most vibrant and cosmopolitan areas of London, and the small streets and lanes contribute to a real village atmosphere. You can come here any hour of the day or night.


£!  good but cheap food
Alc  bar selling alcohol
Bell  may need to ring bell
DC  sometimes dresscode 
Ent  entertainment
Fd  food
G/L  both gays and lesbians
H  hotel or guest house
NG  not Gay
NS  no smoking area
Ra  raunchy
RT  rough types
Sh  shop
TV/TS  TV/TS's go sometimes
Vm  video shows - music
Vp  video shows - porn
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