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Name: Longknife
Reason, meaning or purpose behind the name: When he was a child he was fascinated with his father's long knife.
Soulname: Char
Those who know Soulname: Soulbreeze, Thicket
Nickname: None
Reason for nickname: N/A
Preserver title: Tall-man Highthing
Race/Holt: Wolfrider
Gender: Male
Position in Tribe: Chief

Physical Appearance
Age: 92 years old
How old they appear: Late thirties
Eye color: Amber-brown
Hair color, length and style: Red hair falls in thin strands past his hips
Weight and height: 4'2", 100 lbs
Type of body (build): Muscular, tall and lean
Skin tone and type (i.e., harry, slimy, scaly, oily, fair, burns easily): Pale, burns easily
Shape of face: Oval
Distinguishing marks: Scar across his torso, going from his left shoulder, down across his chest to below his right ribcage.
Predominant feature: His eyes
Usual clothing(color, style): Creams, Browns, and Dark Reds
Warm seasons: Pants and a long sleeved shirt, sometimes shirtless. Tall leather boots.
White-cold: Same as the warm season, but with fur lining
Jewelry/Adornments: None
Weapons/tools/special items owned: Sword & Dagger

Mother: Foxglove(dead)
Relationship with her: Was decent
Father: Raveneyes(dead)
Relationship with him: It was a bit firey, but he loved his father dearly.
Siblings, relationship with each: None
Other Relatives: Unknown
Furmates: Stillbreeze(dead)
Lovemates: Stillbreese(dead)
Lifemate: Stillbreeze(dead)
Cubs: Thicket(female, alive, 19, they have pretty much the same relationship as he had with his father. Though since she's a teen, and is a female, she is much more stubbron and independant)
Soulsiblings: None
Friends: His whole tribe
Bond Animal: Briarpelt(male, 10 years, dark brown colored)

Paragraph about personality:
Are they a daredevil or cautious? Cautious
Do they act the same alone as when with someone? It depends on who it is
Habits: Weighing the pros and cons about everything, and sometimes coming to a decision too late because of it.
Soft spot: His tribe
Biggest Vulnerability: Harm to any of his packmates
Most at ease when: With his tribe, alone, or has the upperhand in a fight
Most ill at ease when: Someone in his tribe is injured, when he's loosing.
Priorities: To take care of his tribe, and to raise Thicket to be a great chieftess when he dies.
Philosophies: "Whatever doesn't kill you will only make you stronger"

Paragraph about character's history:
Type of childhood: Happy, and full of learning
First Memory: Playing with his father's long knife
Most important childhood event that still effects him/her: When he heard word of a forest elf tribe being wiped out at the hands of humans.
Why? He learned to hate ALL humans.

Heritage Skills

Direction Sense**
Gather Information*
Handle Animal*
Hunting: General**
Knowledge: Forest**
Move Silently
Ride: Wolf**

Personal Skills

Blind Fight
Hunting: Birds
Hunting: Small animals
Hunting: Big Game*
Language: Human
Language: Troll
Lore: Wolfrider
Mimickery: Animal/Bird Calls
Mimickery: Animal/General
Mounted Combat**
Quick Draw**

Magical Skills

Animal Bonding*
Prey Sencing
Storm Sense

Weapon Skills


** = Excellent
* = Above Average
(no star) = Average or Poor

-89: Longknife is born.
-80: First wolf-friend, Roughbranch.
-63: Roughbranch passed away.
-62: Second wolf-friend, Berrybush
-57: Raveneyes(father) died. Longknife takes chiefs locks.
-48: Berrybush killed protecting Longknife and his mother from a monster.
-47: Third wolf-friend, Fiercepaw.
-26: Fiercepaw dies of old age.
-25: Fourth wolf-friend, Stonesniffer. -18: Recognizes Sweetbreeze.
-16: Beautiful baby girl is born, Thicket.
-10: Foxglove(mother) drowned in river.
-7: Fifth wolf-friend, Briarpelt
-1: Sweetbreeze killed by wild boar.

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