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The Wolfrider Holt, also known as the SilverSprings Holt resides deep within the forests. There is a large clearing with several gigantic trees dotting within it. Each of these trees is the home of the Wolfriders. Some Tree's have one floor, others have two floors(depending on children). And each is different from one another to fit the elf's needs.

In the very center of the holt is the largest tree of all... the Father Tree. This is a tree where all of the elves can easily fit into for meetings and celebrations, though they usually do this outside of the Father Tree. Running next to the Father Tree is a small source of springs with silver water bubbling down rocks in a small waterfall and creek. This is why the holt is known as the SilverSprings Holt.

As wolfriders usually come out during dusk and nighttime hours, the holt is quiet and peaceful during the day. Their many wolf friends roam the forests and the holt area, which frightens most humans and other intruders away from the holt. There is a large river with heavy currents a few miles away from the holt, which is where they fish, and bathe(in the slower parts of the river). The forest is plentyful with other sources of food. Big game, berries, and vegetables. To the southwest of the holt are some small mountians. This is the home of the Trolls, who had liked the elves at one point, but dislike them now.
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