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Wolfriders usually wear clothing made of tanned leather, often tanned and dyed by the tribal tanner(s). Leathers can be dyed many different colors depending on what kinds of berries and plants are growing. Some cloathing can be light, others can be lined with fur to keep the elves warm during the White-Cold. Elves all have their own personal style, so what they wear is up to them. As far as footwear, they usually wear leather boots, sandals, moccasins, or just go barefooted.

Sunfolk have the great ability to make linen like cloth, which is what they make their clothing out of. Since it is so hot in the desert, it would make no sence to wear hot leathers. Their clothing is usually bright colors like the sun, and have intricate patterns and designs on them. Some men and boys choose just to wear a loincloth. Women, when they dress up for celebrations, dress in whiteish flowing dresses. And little girls sometimes just wear a long shirt. All Sunfolk have a fascination with jewlery and even the men wear it.

Wavedancers wear either sea leathers, kelp, or other sea-made materials. Most men wear just loincloths or pants. Women usually wear a shirt, or bustier of leather or shells, and either a skirt or a loincloth. Most women wear necklaces of shells, and decorate their arms and/or legs with kelp winding up it.

Since they live in the colder climates, they all dress in very warm attire... leathers with inturned fur covering all but their face. Under their leather and fur attire, they usually wear clothing very much like the Wolfriders.

Gliders are perhaps the most mysterious of all the elves. No one knows where they get their clothing from, or how it's made, but it makes them look extremely rich, and very much like the "High Ones". They usually wear full body suits of black and white, and a hat that looks as though it has wings arching back on it.

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