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General Posting Info
All roleplay is held in past tense, not present

Registering to RP
You must have a CIS made and approved by me before you can start playing. After I approve it, I will pre-register your character in the forums and send you the password(which you may change immediately if you choose), and then you may start roleplaying.

Editing your profile
If you need to edit anything edited in your profile(ie: if you get a new lovemate, or have a cub), you must email me with what needs to be changed.

Follow the rules and guidelines!
You must follow the guidelines for what kind of magic is allowed in the holt! To Roleplay you must follow the RP Rules both General and In character.

Character Relations
If you wish to have your character related to another, make sure you contact me or that person first and discuss it with them. There are members who oftentimes will gladly let a new character become a member of their family. Simply write to them to discuss it, or write to me telling me who you'd like to be related to, and how so(mother, father, sister, brother, uncle, aunt, niece, nephew, furmate[same gender or different gender], lovemate[same gender or different gender], child, grandchild, etc). Please keep in mind, you would need to review their history and family to make sure you don't mess up any of their plots or background. And you cannot request to be the lifemate of so-and-so(as only I have the power to induce recognition).

Forms of Participation
Other forms of participation (ie: art, fanfic) are not required, but they do add to the fun of the holt. On this note, you cannot join the holt and simply participate with just art, or just fanfic, and never in the roleplay. We are a roleplay-based holt for a reason..

Speaking/Thinking/Sending I
If you want to differ you action text from your speaking/thinking/sendind texts there is an easy way to do this. Simply change the color of the speaking/thinking/sending text while leaving the action texts black. How do you do this you ask? You use BBCode. See the following example:

EXAMPLE: Frankie walked up to Lulu with a smile, and placed his hand on her hip. He leaned his head forward and placed a small kiss upon her cheek. [color=darkred]"I've missed you"[/color]
This will turn the speaking text("I've missed you") a dark red color, while the action text remains black.

Speaking/Thinking/Sending II
So, now that you know how to differ action from speaking/thinking/sending, how would you differ speaking from thinking from sending since they are all going to be that dark red color? That too is just as easy as changing the color.
For the sake of everyone being the same, we'll [b]bold[/b] speaking text.
And we'll leave sending just normal.
And we'll [i]italicize[/i] thinking text.

EXAMPLE: Frankie walked up to Lulu with a smile and placed his hand upon her hip. [i][color=darkred]She's really beautiful[/color][/i], he thought. He leaned forward and placed a small kiss upon her cheek. [b][color=darkred]"I've missed you..."[/color][/b] he said aloud. He leaned his forehead upon her own and looked deeply into her eyes. [color=darkred]"I love you my lifemate."[/color] His thoughts echoed in her head as he sent the last message.

Speaking/Thinking/Sending III
Ok... now that we have the basics down, let's work on breaking them into easier to read posts. As a general rule, I like to always put speaking, and sending on their own seperate line, while thoughts remain in the paragraph.

Through the dense trees, the faint silouette of a figure could be seen walking along a dirth path, dodging limbs reaching out and stepping over vines growing along the ground. Coming closer, the figure eventually formed into that of a boy, about five feet and seven inches high, no more than fifteen or sixteen years of age. The boy had long dark blonde hair, tied in the back with an old tattered peice of ribbon. High cheek bones molded the acute facial features of the boy stretching the smooth pale skin over the bone and muscle. Sky blue orbs traced the path on the ground as the boy aimlessly walked along. A breeze blew through the area and a content smile curved from the pale lips.

As the breeze began to pick up a little more, the young male took the dark green cloak and wrapped it tigher around his body clothed in a baggy tan shirt. The shirt tucked into a pair of dark brown pants having various straps and pockets sewn onto it. The bottoms of the pants tucked losely into a pair of brown leather boots. A brown leather belt held up the pants, and attacked to the belt were two small plain sheathes on either side. Upon the boy's back, he carried a sack containing various items and equipments. He shivered and let out a sigh. [i][color=darkred]I wish I was closer to the holt[/color][/i] he thought to himseld. The large canine next to him nudged his hand and sat down. The boy looked down to the wolf and sighed.

[b][color=darkred]"No, Bogjumper, we can't stop. As soon as we reach the hold, I'll let us stop and rest. Is that alright with you?[/color][/b]

The wolf graciously nodded his head with a slight irritated grunt. The boy knelt down placing a hand on the wolf's head. He offered a somewhat friendly smile.

[color=darkred]"I know Bogjumper, I hope we reach it soon... it's really cold out here.}[/color] The boy continued to press on through the forest with his companion, Bogjumper, searching for a place to stop and rest.

Post Length
The more you post, the more the next person will have to work off of. So if you post something small like "He walked in, sat down and said Hi", the person you are RPing with wont have much in reply to that. It's always good to put a lot into your posts. Put in such things as: What does your character look like(in beginning posts), what is your character doing, what is he thinking, a little about his history, whats going on around them(NPCs, wind, nature, etc).

So instead of writing: "He walked into the tavern, sat down and ordered a drink, then saw the girl next to him and said,"Hi"

Try something like this: "Frankie pushed open the tavern door, letting a chilly wind into the room. He quickly shut the door and removed his cloak. Deep brown eyes looked about the tavern, taking in all the sites. The couple by the fire sipping on their drinks. The taverntender behind the bar. The large round wooden tables, and the girl sitting at one of them. He moved over to her with cat-like grace and pulled out a chair. "Mind if I sit here?" He asked with a gruff voice. He didn't wait for an answer, but merely took his seat beside her. His long blond hair lay in a dishevelled mess about his shoulders, and his eyes never faltered from the girl. "I'm Frankie... who might you be?" He offered a half-smile.

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