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General RP Rules

1. Remain as active as possible. This is going to be a fairly active RPG hopefully, and if characters do not remain active it could all go downhill fairly quickly. So, the consequence to breaking this rule, is that if your character becomes inactive without reason for four weeks, they will automatically be deleted. This is mostly to encourage telling folks when you up and leave for a while, so that conversations don't fall in.

2. Adult content is allowed. The rating for this RPG is approximately NC17, though if you have the maturity level to deal with what this rating allows (sex, rape, murder, swearing, descriptive violence and gore, etc), you are welcome to join. However, please keep in mind that we don't need to go overboard on the adult RP instances. I would like to keep things tasteful. Restrain yourself to one adult occurence every two weeks, or perhaps once a month. If you're in a RP and it starts to get gory or violent, please put a (R) in the title as a forwarning. Likewise, if a RP you are in starts to get racey put an (X) in the title.

3. You can play as many characters as you can keep active. Self explanatory rule, really. If you find that you do create too many characters for you to keep active, feel free to IM or email me about it with a request to remove those you are unable to play. One character per account.

4. Keep in character as much as possible. If you need to say something quick relating to your post or someone else's, that is permittable, but no discussions about how cute so-and-so is popping up in the middle of a conference. If you need to hop OOC for a moment, simply put "OOC:" before what you want to say, and "IC:" when you're ready to go back into your in character post. If you want to have a whole conversation with another player OOC, then that's what the OOC board is there for.

5. No advertising. No advertising of any kind on any of the boards whatsoever.

6. No Fighting or Harrassment. If you feel the need to 'discuss' something with someone, please keep it to the PM's.

7. Don't SPAM. This message is simple enough. Dont post Stupid Pointless Annoying Messages. Please also reffer to General rule number 4 in regards to OOC Chat.

In Character Rules

1. Avoid cliché. That is, make a character that is new and interesting. Also, in this RP I require that you make characters that are unique to you. Also, don't make your character just like everyone elses characters. If we find that you make a near exact duplicate of someone else's character you will be asked to change them.

2. Be descriptive. Avoid one-liners as though your life depended on it. I'm calling this an 'advanced' RPG because I expect the players to be capable of writing interesting posts.

3. Don't be overly descriptive. No one wants to read a five-post description of a dress, down to the last seam.

4. Use clear, precise language, and always be sure of the meaning of a word or synonym before using it. Don’t thesaurus-thump, but don’t be afraid to use one, either. (eg. 'Orbs' are not eyes. 'Orbacle' is not a word.)

5. Do not powerplay, godmode, be a twinkie, etc. If there is one thing that annoys me, and many others, to the point of breaking into insane rants of frustration, it's god-moding. Play your character and your character only, please. I'll be liable to ban you for a few weeks for the first offence, and ban you entirely if it's done again.

6. Keep an eye on spelling and grammar. This sort of goes with the descriptive post rule; use punctuation where it is required, and always check for typos before you post. And, for the love of chocolate, please no chat-speak.

7. Your characters can die. For each tribe and each individual character, there are weaknesses. Should any of the elves come to fight each other, people can die. However, be respectful and PM the person you are RPing with about death. You must have the 'puppet master's' ok before killing their character!

10. Relationships are fine. However do not be a Mary/Gary-Sue. Come here to RP and RP alone, not to date fantasy characters. If you're in a RP and your character hits it off with another, that's fine. If your board contains sexual-romance, please post (X) in the title to forwarn people.

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