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Long ago, when Starpool was chieftess, she had an alliance and friendship with the Trolls(and most of them thought she was pretty). She was able to get many many weapons and tools made of metal for her tribe. Most of these metal weapons have been passed down from generation to generation. Elves coming into the tribe may also have metal weapons. However, new weapons and tools can also be made with bones, wood, and rock.

Can be made of bone or stone (usually with a bone or wood hilt). Some elves also have daggers passed down, or they had with them when arriving to SilverSprings.

Swords are usually all troll-made and come outside of SilverSprings with their owners. They may be big or small, curved or straight. Often troll-made swords are heavy and hard to wield, but some troll daggers make excellent short swords for elves.

Spearpoints are made of bone or stone. Shafts are usually made of wood. Some favor longer spears, some shorter. Longer spears have the advantage in reach, but they are more difficult to carry around on wolfback or up in the trees, and impossible to throw. Fishing spears often have barbs to keep the fish from slipping away and back to the water.

Javelins are short throwing spears, maybe up to their user's chest from the ground.

Bows come in a variety of forms. There are crossbows (troll weapons, yet to encounter an elf who can make one), long bows and short bows. Each has strong and weak points. Crossbows have long range, inflict most damage and are easy to hit target with. Unfortunately they are also slow and hard to load. If you are against a longtooth with a crossbow, the first bolt must kill, because you won't get a second chance! Long bows also have a long range, but like the name says, they are long, usually close to the height of their user, and therefore may be difficult to carry around. Short bows are smaller, but also have shorter range. Elven bows are usually something between a long and short bow. Not too big but with moderately good range. They are usually made of wood with a senew string. Arrows may have bone, or stone points.

Staffs are defensive weapons, rarely used to hunt. They are practical for wanderers, though, doubling as walking sticks, and also used to measure the ground ahead in difficult terrain (like swamp). A staff can be spontaneously cut from a nearby tree and thrown away when no longer needed, but those who keep one staff for longer periods of time, often decorate them somewhat, with feathers or leather hand grips, for example.

Sling is usually only used to hunt small game. Although in theory you could kill a tuft-ear cat with it, few are foolish enough to try. A sling is easy to make, and relatively easy to learn, but to be accurate requires lots of practice.

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