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Name: Thicket
Reason, meaning or purpose behind the name: Thicket was a beautiful baby with thick red hair already forming ringlets. This is where her parents got her name from. Her hair reminded them of a wild thicket.
Soulname: Tris
Those who know Soulname: Soulbreeze, Longknife
Nickname: None
Reason for nickname: N/A
Preserver title: Fire-ringlett Highthing
Race/Holt: Wolfrider
Gender: Female
Position in Tribe: Chief's daughter, Scout, Guard, Tracker

Physical Appearance
Age: 19 years old
How old they appear: Early twenties
Eye color: Bright blue
Hair color, length and style: Ember-red ringlets to her shoulders, usually pinned/tied up
Weight and height: 3'7", 80 lbs
Type of body (build): Petiet yet strong
Skin tone and type: Very lightly tanned
Shape of face: Heart
Distinguishing marks: A very small scar on her ankle and one on her shoulder, from falling out of a tree when she was a cub.
Predominant feature: Her round sapphire eyes, or full pouty pink rosebud lips.
Usual clothing(color, style): Green leather with untanned leather straps holding it together, adorned with some stones.
Warm seasons: She usually wears a bustier made of brown leather straps with green leather covering her bussom, and a green leather and brown strap bottom that much resembles a bikini bottom. She feels that dresses and long leathers interfear with her natural abilities and get in the way. So she doesn't like to wear skirts or shirts, however, she will if she has to(for instance, if the weather is really bad. Not if it's merely raining, she loves to play in the rain). She usually doesn't wear shoes, instead opts for a long tan leather strap winding it's way around her right leg. However, if she needs to, she does have a pair of leather sandals.
White-cold: Under her long multi-colored patched coat lined in fur, she wears long tan pants that are held together with leather straps going up each side of her leg. And she wears a long sleeved deep green shirt of leather. And on her feet, she wears thick fur lined boots.
Jewelry/Adornments: As stated above, during the warm seasons she wears a tan leather strap up her right leg. And she always wears a dyed green leather strat around her left arm. And has a necklace with a stone carved with a star/flower shaped symbol tied on a dark green leather strap much like a choker necklace.
Weapons/tools/special items owned: Dagger and shortbow

Mother: Sweetbreese(dead)
Relationship with her: She was really close to her mother.
Father: Longknife
Relationship with him: She loves her father, but in her 'teen' years, they always seem to be at odds ends.
Siblings, relationship with each: None
Other Relatives: Unknown
Furmates: None
Lovemates: None
Lifemate: Unknown
Cubs: None
Soulsiblings: None
Friends: The trees and animals
Bond Animal: Dawnmist(female, 2 years, an average grey wolf)

Paragraph about personality:Thicket is an amazingly strong person. She survives, even flourishes in adversity and hardship. A firm believer in the phrase, 'Whatever doesn't kill you only makes you stronger,' she rarely fears failure. She knows that any mistake she makes will teach her more about herself and allow her to 'rise from the ashes' as a still greater being. Because of this, she rarely makes the same mistake twice. She's extremely powerful and wise, and is capable of fierce pride, passion, and anger. And independence is her strongest point, she usually does what she wants when she wants to, which can get her into a lot of trouble. Though she can be stubborn, outspoken, and haughty, she greatly inspiring.
Are they a daredevil or cautious? Daredevil
Do they act the same alone as when with someone? It depends on who it is
Habits: Spending time alone in the trees, talking to the trees
Soft spot: Those close to her
Biggest Vulnerability: Harm to any of her family and friends
Most at ease when: Alone, in the trees, or has the upperhand in a fight
Most ill at ease when: She's hurt/injured, when with a bunch of people she doesn't really know, out of her natural habitiat(the trees).
Priorities: To become the 'best chief this tribe has ever seen'.
Philosophies: "Whatever doesn't kill you will only make you stronger"

Paragraph about character's history:
Type of childhood: Happy, fast
First Memory: Falling into the river and nearly drowning before Longknife saved her.
Most important childhood event that still effects him/her: When her mother was killed by a Bristleboar
Why? This is when she became more alone, and felt at odds with everyone and everything. And now she's scared of Bristleboars.

Heritage Skills

Direction Sense**
Escape Artist*
Gather Information
Handle Animal**
Hunting: General
Gathering: Basic
Knowledge: Forest**
Move Silently*
Ride: Wolf*

Personal Skills

Blind Fight*
Crafting: Jewellery
Decorative: Clothing
Gathering: Berries
Gathering: Eggs
Gathering: Herbs
Gathering: Vegetables
Hunting: Birds
Hunting: Small animals
Hunting: Big Game
Lore: Wolfrider
Mimickery: Animal/Bird Calls*
Mimickery: Animal/General*
Mounted Combat
Precise Shot*
Quick Draw

Magical Skills

Animal Bonding**
Deep Sense
Plant Shaping
Prey Sencing
Storm Sense*
Water Finding

Weapon Skills


** = Excellent
* = Above Average
(no star) = Average or Poor

-16: Thicket is born to Longknife and Sweetbreeze
-11: First wolf-friend, Dart
-10: Foxglove(grandmother) drowns in river.
-1: Sweetbreeze(mother) killed by wild bristleboar.
2: Dart killed by a rogue wolf. Makes new wolf-friend, Dawnmist.

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