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MACY (Carol Baxter) One of the saloon girls in Lacerta’s hangout on Equellus, she warned Apollo that Marco was planning to kill him and also was able to tell him how Lacerta discovered Red-Eye (LW).

MADAGON, NOVA OF Not a nova at all, the Nova of Madagon is a starfield so brilliant that the cockpits of the vipers flying through it had to be sealed to protect the pilots from being blinded by the glare (P).

MADAGON, STRAITS OF A narrow passage through the Nova of Madagon that leads to Carillon. The Cylons have laid a minefield in it to prevent free passage. Apollo, Starbuck, and Boomer, guided by the Galactica’s scanners, cleared a path through the minefield with their vipers, permitting the fleet to pass through and reach Carillon (P).

click to see a photgraph of MagaMAGA (Lance LeGault) The leader of the nomen who hunted down Chameleon, an exceedingly grim person dedicated to the Code (MN, BE). Actor Lance LeGault had a chance to hunt the son of Chameleon on The A-Team, where as Colonel Decker he was a regular for two seasons.

MAGNA Material the Ravashol pulsar was constructed of; “practically indestructible,” according to Ser Five-Nine, but the solenite carried by the Colonial assault team was up to the job of destroying it (GI).

MAGNETIC SEA or VOID The planet Kobol is surrounded by a strange magnetic sea that makes navigation impossible. Apollo was almost lost in it, but was saved by Starbuck’s skill at dead reckoning. Adama believed, correctly, that this void was the same as that mentioned in the Book of the Word. The fleet, guided by the Galactica, passed through the void to reach Kobol.

MAITRE D (John Holland) Maitre d’ aboard the Rising Star, where he had served for many years; his reference to “before the war” probably refers to what appears was a final, intense stage of the war dating from the Cylon raid on Umbra in 7322 and ending in the Holocaust. Not above accepting a small bribe, as he took several from Starbuck (LP). The maitre d’ is also seen in the background aboard the Rising Star in “Man with Nine Lives.”

MARCO (Red West) Lacerta’s sidekick, Marco was displaced as his enforcer by Red-Eye. He was afraid that Apollo would displace him further, and planned to kill him. After Apollo destroyed Red-Eye, Larcerta and Marco slunk out of town (LW). Red West was yet another BG veteran of VMF-214, the infamous Black Sheep Squadron.

MARKAS A form of money leant to Chameleon by Siress Blassie (MN).

MARTIN A Colonial warrior shot down in a battle in the Hatari sector, he crash-landed on Equellus and was nursed back to health by Vela, who he married. They had a child, Puppis, and Martin was willing to settle down and become an oviner and family man until he found out about Red-Eye. He got his laser and tried to kill Red-Eye, but Red-Eye shot and killed him first (LW).

MAXIM A Colonial measure of distance. According to Colonel Tigh, the passage blasted through the minefield in the Straits of Madagon was a hundred maxims wide (P).

MAXWELL, GENERAL (Ken Swofford) A senior officer in the Nationalist forces on Terra, General Maxwell had been on an unsuccessful secret mission to try and find out what had really happened to the Nationalist colonies and moon bases when he returned to his daughter Brenda’s apartment and learned that her boyfriend “Charlie Watts” had mysteriously returned. General Maxwell hoped that “Charlie” could tell him and the Precedium the truth since he had been on Lunar One when the Eastern Alliance attacked it. Unfortunately, Nationalist security forces arrested General Maxwell and Brenda before he could act. Starbuck freed them. General Maxwell tried to convince the Nationalist President and the Precedium that the Eastern Alliance was about to launch a sneak attack but was unable to do so. Once the Eastern Alliance missile attack began he informed the President caustically that he’d better get his “peace treaty” framed quickly, because everything was going to be destroyed in six minutes. Afterwards, General Maxwell wanted Apollo to stay and pass on some of his technical knowledge, but John wouldn’t permit Apollo to do this (ET).

MEDALLION (1) A silver, octagonal medal with a diamond-shaped symbol in the middle, suspended by a double chain around the neck. According to Adama, this medal is the symbol of his power as a member of the Council of Twelve and evidently as a religious leader as well, as he wrapped the chain around the joined hands of Apollo and Serina when he declared them sealed. The medallion was handed down by the Lords of Kobol, so it seems probable that membership in the Council in earlier times was hereditary and handed down through the direct lineage of the Lords. It is possible this was still true in certain tribes at the time of the destruction of the Colonies. Adama used his medallion to gain access to the tomb of the Ninth Lord of Kobol, as did Baltar, who was also a member of the Council of Twelve and so possessed an identical medallion (LG).

MEDALLION (2) A medal given to Apollo by Adama when he graduated from the Academy. Apollo entrusted the medallion to Boxey before he left for the Arkta mission (GI).

MEDALLION (3) Both Cain and Adama wear medallions at the neck of their uniforms. The meanings of these are unknown, but many fans have speculated that they are the symbols of their respective noble families.

MEDICAL ANALYZER Device used to scan patients and determine their physical condition and the nature of any illness or trauma that they may be suffering. Leda asked Apollo to pass her the medical analyzer so she could check those injured in the crash of the shuttle on Arkta (GI). When Cylon kamikazes attacked the bridge of the Galactica, Dr. Salik used a similar device to evaluate Adama’s injuries (FS).

MEDTECH Medical technician. A specialist trained to assist the Life Officers and to accompany warriors in combat to stabilize those wounded. Cassiopiea is a medtech.

MEDTECH (Donald Mantooth) One of the civilian medtechs shipped over from the Rising Star on Council orders to remove the Terrans from their ship, he checked Rees after Michael shot him with his stunning device (GE). Donald Mantooth is Randy (Michael) Mantooth’s brother. Another example of the casting nepotism rife in this particular episode.

MEGAN (Bruce Glover) The father of the ‘young lords’ on Attila, he was the last of the major landowners on the planet to be defeated by the invading Cylons; his wife was killed in the invasion. He disapproved of his son’s plan to trade Starbuck to the Cylons for him and was visibly pleased when the children double-crossed the Cylons. When Apollo and Boomer arrived to rescue Starbuck, he chose to remain on Attila, to rebuild the home he and his children had fought so hard for (YL). Judging from Robert Thurston’s novelization of this episode, it seems possible that in earlier drafts of the script the part of Megan was female, and was the children’s mother, not father.

MEGA-PRESSURE PUMP After one of the Galactica’s main energizers was knocked out in the Cylon suicide attack, the Fireleader decided to use one of the mega-pressure pumps from it to boost the pressure in his hose system. Apollo had the other mega-pressure pumps from the same energizer installed in three vipers to shoot boraton into the hangar bay (FS).

MEGON Colonial measure of weight and/or force; Apollo estimated that the Cylons were using 50 megon loads when they bombed the Colonial camp and ruined city on Kobol (LG). Probably analogous to our using comparisons with an equivalent weight of TNT to measure the power of nuclear weapons (i.e. a 20 kiloton bomb has the explosive power of 20 thousand tons of TNT).

MELANIE (Gillian Greene) Michael’s daughter, the oldest of the children (GE). Gillian Greene was Lorne Greene’s daughter by his second marriage, another bit of “Greetings from Earth” casting nepotism.

MEPHISTOPHELES Another traditional name of the devil used by Apollo to refer to Iblis when he was trying to convince Sheba of Iblis’ true nature (WG).

MESS ALPHA Mess hall aboard the Prison Barge where Baltar served dinner and plotted with the nomen (BE).

METEOR FIRE Starbuck remarked that his readouts lit up like a meteor fire when his scanners discovered the magnetic void (LG). A Colonial expression perhaps referring to brilliant showers of meteors entering planetary atmosphere.

METRON A Colonial measure of length, perhaps roughly equivalent to our meter.

METRON BOMBS A form of Cylon ordnance being used in abnormally high quantities by Specter’s garrison on Attila, according to Lucifer (YL).

MICHAEL (Randy Mantooth) Michael was the Terran revived accidentally after Dr. Wilker’s bull in a china shop investigation of the Lunar Seven shuttle brought on board the Galactica. Frightened and confused by the apparent capture of his ship, Michael shot Security Guard Rees with a stunner when Rees attempted to board the Terran ship to remove the other passengers. Michael later cooperated with Apollo to get his ship back on course for Paradeen. Contrary to Apollo’s orders, he allowed the course setting for Lunar Seven to be destroyed automatically (or so he thought—Vector neglected to do so). He is a relatively intelligent and levelheaded man, probably typical of Terrans in general, with an abiding faith in technology that puts him at odds with Sarah (GE).

MICRON Colonial measure of time, equivalent to a second. Also sometimes used as a measure of distance, probably to mean a light second, or 186,000 miles, the distance light covers in a second.

MILLICENTON A very short period of time, 1000th of a centon. Used in another fashion in “Lost Planet of the Gods” before the Colonial time system was fully worked out, when Adama claimed that they’d been eating for “nigh on three millicentons…waiting” for Apollo to announce his engagement to Serina.

MINE An explosive device left floating in space to discourage enemy traffic. The Cylons laid mines in the Straits of Madagon (P).

MINEFIELD An area where many mines are present; specifically the minefield in the Straits of Madagon (P).

MINERAL SHIPS Ships in the fleet that can extract and process tylium ore. Adama dispatched the mineral ships to the surface of Carillon (P).

MIRI (Audrey Landers) Megan’s eldest daughter. Like the other members of her family she participated in the continual harassing of the Cylons. She also taught her younger siblings and did her best to keep Kyle’s monster ego under some kind of control. Starbuck found her attractive (what a surprise) and invited her and the others to return with him to the Galactica, but she remained behind with her family (YL).

MIRIAM Girlfriend of Starbuck’s mentioned by Boxey in “Living Legend.”

MODOCKER A Colonial expletive. Cain refers to Adama as “that old modocker” (LL).

MOLECAY Either a Colonial outpost or ally planet, Cain and his Fifth Fleet were sent to save it from the Cylons (LL).

MOLECAY, BATTLE OF Battle at which Cain’s Fifth Fleet was ambushed and destroyed by the Cylons, two yahrens before the holocaust (LL).

MOORE (Logan Ramsey) The aide to the Nationalist President on Terra, he didn’t seem to completely agree with the President’s views but would do anything to help him, including ordering the arrest of General Maxwell and Brenda (ET).

MORLAND, AGGIE (Lesley Woods) Wife of Josh Morland, she convinced him to take the three escaped children in and hide them from the Alliance Enforcers. Her own children had been killed, presumably in the Eastern Alliance bombing of the city on Paradeen (GE).

MORLAND, JOSH (Frank Martin) A rather crusty Paradeen farmer, he was afraid, with good cause, that the Eastern Alliance would follow Michael’s ship and destroy his family and anyone else they found surviving on Paradeen. After the Alliance Enforcers were captured by the Colonials, Morland’s fears were supplanted by the goodwill probably more typical of his nature; he promised to help Michael and Sarah establish their home (GE).

MUFFIT Boxey’s pet daggit on Caprica, killed in the Cylon attack.

MUFFIT II The new Muffit is a drone replica of a daggit constructed by Dr. Wilker at Apollo’s behest (P). Apparently programmed to bark, run off, and generally do things at inopportune times, its one positive contribution was reaching the bridge when the Galactica caught fire and returning to the Rejuvenation Center with life masks for the trapped crewmen (FS). In the same episode Muffit pulled an injured firefighter to safety. All too obviously a chimpanzee in a costume.

MUNITIONS Weapons and ammunition. According to the prisoners on Proteus, they used to produce munitions and ambrosa for the Colonial war effort but, once their sources of parts dried up (presumably after Proteus was cut off from the Colonies and forgotten) they concentrated on making ambrosa only, for 700 yahrens (LP).

MUSHIES A Colonial snack food, in appearance soft squares in shades of purple or yellow. Athena apparently enjoys them (LP) and Boxey has trained Muffit to sniff them out (FS).

NATIONALIST INSIGNIA Indicative of the possibility that the Pegasus may have reached Terra ahead of the Galactica is the fact that both General Maxwell and his aide Colonel Stone wear Pegasus collar pins on their uniforms (ET). Actually an oversight in the costume department.

NATIONALISTS OF TERRA The “good guys” on Terra, opposed to the fascist Eastern Alliance. As desperate for peace as the Colonials were, they learned their lesson in a slightly less hard way thanks to the Galactica’s SDI-style interception of the Eastern Alliance’s thermonuclear first strike. As Apollo informed their Precedium, “only strength can support freedom” (ET).

NEUROLOGICAL CELL SAMPLES One of the genetic tests performed on Starbuck and Chameleon, it involves taking a three-dimensional image of a brain cell. Starbuck was worried that the test might hurt. “My hero,” muttered Cassiopiea (MN).

NIGHTFLYER A creature on Equellus. When Red-Eye interrogated Vela and Puppis about the strange noise heard in the town (caused by the passage overhead of Apollo’s crippled viper), Puppis bravely claimed that all he heard was a nightflyer hoot and a lupus howl (LW).

NILZ (Adam Man) One of Megan’s younger sons on Attila (YL).

NINTH LORD According to Adama, the last Lord of Kobol before the migration of the Thirteenth Tribe. This suggests strongly that the Thirteenth Tribe left Kobol well in advance of the rest of the tribes. Adama, Apollo and Serina explored the tomb of the Ninth Lord and discovered inscriptions referring to the Thirteenth Tribe’s migration. Sadly, the inscriptions were destroyed by the Cylon attack before Adama could translate them (LG).

NODAY Another of Starbuck’s girlfriends mentioned by Boxey (LL).

NOGOW (Ben Frommer) Lazy leader of the Borays on Sectar, he headed their raids on the human settlement. He agreed to desist when Starbuck arranged for him to become town constable, complete with all the free food and drink he could consume (MW).

NUBIAN SUN, CLEAR AS THE Expression used by Cain. After the tankers they had been sent to capture exploded, Apollo asked Cain if he had been firing at a fighter, since he hadn’t seen one, but Cain informed him that “it was as clear as the Nubian Sun to me.” Sure (LL).

NUMO An air-powered projectile weapon of limited range and hitting power. According to Puppis, it can kill a lupus within 10 metrons, if you hit it just right. A numo could not, however, penetrate Red-Eye’s armor, as 10 Equellans had learned to their cost before Apollo destroyed the Cylon with his laser pistol.

NURSERY ATTENDANT Person who cares for small children. Children and nursery attendants were supposed to be the sole passengers permitted aboard the Rising Star during her escape from Caprica, but Ortega, assigned to help with the loading, permitted three men to bribe him for places (MR).

�1987, 1999 by Susan J. Paxton

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