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LACERTA (Claude Earl Jones) The parasite in charge of the village on Equellus and the surrounding area where the action of The Lost Warrior takes place. Lacerta is a deceptively soft-spoken man who has ruled for 10 yahrens by terror, terror enforced by his pet Cylon, Red-Eye. He was probably small-time before he came upon Red-Eye, but afterwards no one could do anything to stop him. After Apollo destroyed Red-Eye, Lacerta made off hurriedly, knowing that if he remained in town he’d be rapidly lynched by the infuriated oviners and villagers he’d lorded it over too long. Let’s hope they caught up with him.

LANCEMAN (Alex Rodine) A crewman aboard Leiter’s destroyer (GE).

LANDRAM A tracked vehicle used by the Colonials for land transportation. It can carry eight people inside and has a two-gun laser turret on top. Landrams are transported to and from planets aboard shuttlecraft (P, LG, GI). Landrams refitted for use in cold climates are called snowrams (GI). Thiokol supplied the landram, which was constructed on a standard Thiokol sno-cat chassis. Presumably the Colonials check the O-rings.

LANGUATRON Universal translator device used by the Colonials. It is a small rectangular gadget about the size of a pocket calculator with a speaker and keyboard (P).

LASER Terminology used interchangeably with pulsar to describe Colonial and Cylon energy weapons.

LASER BOLES The bola-like weapon of the Borellian Nomen, nomen carry several slung about them on belts. When activated, they build up a charge that detonates in 50 microns unless the bole is thrown before that. In appearance, two multi-faceted crystals; when thrown two glowing balls connected by a red line of energy (MN, BE).

LASER GENERATOR The equipment fitted in a viper to power the ship’s two laser cannon. The generator is large and heavy and for this reason was removed from the Recon Viper to make room for larger engines (LP). When the Galactica was set ablaze by Cylon kamikazes, the laser generators were removed from the vipers of Apollo, Starbuck, and Sheba to make way for mega-pressure pumps and storage tanks for their ill-fated boraton run (FS).

LASER PISTOL The compact handgun of the Colonial warriors, it emits a blue flash of light when fired, which SFX expert John Dykstra and his Apogee crew felt, correctly, would look more realistic than the animated beams of light seen in Star Wars. Unfortunately, after the responsibility for the SFX were ceded to the no-talent team at Universal Hartland an animated red beam of light was added to the laser effect; so much for consistency.

LASER PUMPS An item Specter has ordered a suspiciously large number of, according to Lucifer (YL).

LASER RANGE Area aboard the Galactica where the warriors hone their skill with their laser pistols (MR). Very probably includes both a standard shooting range and a combat-style shooting range that would include holographic projections of threats and test the warriors’ reflexes and accuracy in a real-life setting.

LASER SCALPEL Laser cutting device used in surgery (FS).

LASER SEQUENCE According to Hermes, the No. 4 turbodyne aboard the Celestra blew a laser sequence. Actually, it was sabotaged by the mutineers (TC).

LASERONIC ERGON SCAN Test performed by Dr. Wilker, it measured the energy expended by Starbuck’s sidearm and the energy absorbed by Ortega’s body. Unfortunately for Starbuck, the ratings matched perfectly, proving that his laser was the “termination weapon” (MR).

click for a diagram of the launch tube setLAUNCH TUBES The Galactica has 16 launch tubes in each landing bay from which her viper fighters are launched into space; the tubes are slanted towards the bow of the ship.

LAUNCH FIELD Cylon term for landing area or airport. When Baltar was tricked into giving him permission to abandon the base on Attila, Specter joyfully ordered his command centurion to have all personnel report to the launch field (YL).

LEDA (Christine Belford) The wife of Croft, of whom she was none too fond, for reasons never made clear in the episode. She was a medtech with a special expertise in treating laser wounds and an advanced degree on the side in major mayhem. Sent on the mission to Arkta with the other convicts, she teamed up with Wolfe on a failed escape bid, but after he ran off into the storm she decided to go through with the rest of the mission. She was killed by the Cylons in the gun chamber (GI)

click for a picture of Commandant LieterLEITER, COMMANDANT (Lloyd Bochner) The ruthless commander of the Eastern Alliance destroyer captured by Apollo and Starbuck, a definite SS type complete with black uniform, peaked hat, and German accent (GE, BE, ET).

LEO One of the Twelve Colonies.

LEXONS A Colonial measure of volume, as in ‘lexons of seed grain.’ Starbuck tried to buy 1000 lexons of seed from Sire Bogan, who had other ideas (MW).

LIBRA One of the Twelve Colonies.

LIFE MASK or BREATHER MASK Transparent mask used to provide breathable air. Since it has no attached tank, it evidently collects oxygen from the atmosphere and supplies it in a breathable ratio to the person wearing the mask. It also filters out impurities (GI, FS).

LIFE OFFICER Medical doctor. Dr. Salik and Dr. Paye are life officers aboard the Galactica.

LIFE POD Life support pod used to sustain patients in serious condition.

LIFE SPAN Adama tells Apollo that “our life span, now, Cylons notwithstanding, is about two hundred yahrens” (WG). The Colonials have evidently discovered life-extension techniques. It is not clear, however, how quickly Colonials age, although a remark by Adama suggests he is over 100 yahrens old himself (LG).

LIFE STATION or LIFE CENTER Medical center aboard the Galactica, fitted for all possible medical emergencies. Includes examination rooms, operating theaters, and cryogenic life support facilities.

LIFE STATION RELIEF Those warriors who report sick to Life Station are listed as being on “Life Station Relief” (WG). Analogous to our “sick call.”

LIGHT BEINGS or BEINGS OF LIGHT Never given a name on the series itself, these are the mysterious creatures who inhabit the Ship of Light. A highly advanced life form that in past times helped the primitive people on Kobol achieve civilization and were called angels (WG). Evidently they have made mistakes, as they now seem more reluctant to get involved with both the Colonials and the Terrans (ET). Count Iblis is a fallen member of the Light Beings who has chosen to use his powers for evil (WG). One of the enduring and fascinating mysteries of the BG series.

LIGHT WAVE RELAY STATION A communications facility employed by the Eastern Alliance. When informed that a message would take 2 months to reach Terra, Commandant Leiter asked how long it would take if they used the Light Wave Relay Station on Lunar Seven, only to be told it had been destroyed by saboteurs (GE).

LIGHTS Strange blue-white balls of light that appear when the Ship of Lights is nearby. Probably the true form of the Light Beings themselves, since they are creatures of pure energy and can presumably assume any form they wish (WG).

LIVESTOCK SHIP Commanded by Captain Dmitri (MN), the Livestock Ship serves as the fleet’s source of meat. It is a large ship with three circular holds in which the livestock are kept. The SFX model of this ship was made, appropriately, from three film cans!

LOMA (Kimberly Woodward) A child in Boxey’s class aboard the Galactica. She was curious as to why the people in the “Earth ship” weren’t coming out (GE).

LOMAS, CORPORAL (Bruce Wright) A crewman aboard the Galactica who is responsible for supervising new cadets. Unfortunately, the three Borellian Nomen are in a group of cadets assigned to him. They knocked Lomas out and stuffed him into a closet (MN). As well as portraying Corporal Lomas, actor Bruce Wright also appeared in BG as a ground crewman (P) and a Security Forces lieutenant (LG, WG, BE). It is very possible that the ground crewman and Corporal Lomas are the same person.

LORD OF BELLARIUM Adama identifies himself to Sire Bogan on Sectar as “Squire Adama, Lord of Bellarium” (MW). It is at least possible that this is Adama’s genuine title of nobility, or a variant of it.

LOTAY (Dianne L. Burgdorf) Queen of the Ovions on Carillon.

LUCIFER (voice by Jonathan Harris) Lucifer is the sardonic yet somehow likable IL class Cylon assigned to Count Baltar by Imperious Leader, he usually wears red robes. He started out thinking he could learn much from Baltar (LG), but soon realized how limited Baltar’s military ability is. Lucifer always sees the gaping holes in Baltar’s schemes and manages to let the Count know exactly what he thinks, albeit indirectly. Lucifer is a fairly new IL and looks down on Specter as being an “older model.” Lucifer’s voice was supplied by actor Jonathan Harris (Dr. Smith of Lost in Space infamy); reportedly Felix Silla, better known as Twiki in Buck Rogers, was the actor in the costume.

LUNAR ONE Nationalist base destroyed by the Eastern Alliance. Colonel Charlie Watts was serving there when captured (ET).

LUNAR NINE The Eastern Alliance destroyer commanded by Leiter was enroute to Lunar Nine when he ordered it to Paradeen (GE).

LUNAR SEVEN The Terran colony from which Michael and his family escaped after it was conquered by the Eastern Alliance. Michael and Sarah were both born there, as were their respective children. The atmosphere on Lunar Seven is only one fifth as dense as that on the Galactica. The Terrans who colonized Lunar Seven were genetically modified to thrive under low pressure (GE).

LUNAR SHUTTLE AVION The shuttle used by Michael, Sarah, and the children in their escape from Lunar Seven (GE). Both the model and full-sized mockup were redressed props from the Buck Rogers premiere.

LUPUS A wolf-like animal that inhabits Equellus, preying on the herds of ovines (LW).

�1987, 2000 by Susan J. Paxton

A, B, C, D, E & F, G & H, I, J & K, L, M & N, O, P & Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z





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