You're a Poet and Don't Even Know It

Introduction | Supplies | Task | Activities | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Resources


Over the centuries, poetry has been the chosen creative form of expression for people. Unfortunately, many people think that poetry must rhyme. NOT TRUE! Poetry comes in many forms AND can even be fun. Whether you listen to Toby Keith, Eminem or the Red Hot Chili Peppers, your favorite song is a form of poetry.  

Poetry is a heightened literary expression cast in lines, rather than sentences, in which language is used in a concentrated blend of sound, meaning and imagery to create an emotional response. It can be funny, sad, long, short, rhymed or unrhymed. We call this the purpose, mood and form of the poem. Poetry can be based on fantasy, your real life or any important event. This is called the theme of poetry. You will use purpose, form, mood and theme in the activities that follow.

Supplies You Will Need


Your task will be to explore and research various types of poetry and what makes up poetry. With a group, you will read various poems, learn about poetry forms, and give your opinion on what the poet was trying to express by writing the poem.

Once you have learned about poetry, you will be developing your own poetry for classroom publication.


You will create a class poetry book and use a multimedia program, such as PowerPoint or HyperStudio, to showcase your class poetry book.


In a group, you will go through the following tasks and learn about poetry. Although you are working as a team, you each are required to develop your own poetry folder.

Poetry Terms, Terms and More Terms

Poetry Forms

Your Turn


Your final poetry folder will be evaluated by the rubric.


 Once your folder is in final publication form, it will be handed in.


Credit: Mrs. Hamilton, Kennesaw State University

Last updated December 30, 2004


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