'Bee Goddess'���Women in Ancient Civilization���'Bee Goddess'

In memory of Marija Gimbutas

Marija Gimbutas

Where were the women?

How many of us remember our lessons on ancient civilizations from grade school? If we remember anything, we most likely recall information on "cavemen," terms like "Cro-Magnon" and "Neanderthal," not to mention "Australopithecus africanus." No doubt, most of the teachings for Americans (or for me, at least) centered on male archaeologists, historians, and anthropologists, who were set on supporting the patriarchal myth of the male as the superior sex, the strong one, who faught in the battles, hunted for all the food, controlled his women, while somehow finding time to invent writing, civilization, the wheel, and discover fire.

Women? Well, when they're mentioned at all, we're told they had the babies, of course, and cooked the food.

Is there more to this story?
Where's the other half of it?

Well, it turns out that not only is there a missing half to this ancient story, but the other half that we've been taught is full of misinformation and propaganda.

Unearthing a new possibility

That "other half" of the information that has been so blatantly ignored and suppressed has come to light through the pioneering work of the late archaeologist, Marija Gimbutas. Gimbutas was a classically trained archaeologist, who, in the 1960's, unearthed startling evidence of peaceful civilizations living in Western Europe before 3000 B.C.E.

Gimbutas discovered evidence strongly suggesting that these peaceful civilizations worshipped the Earth as a Mother Goddess, with some variation from culture to culture. In addition, she found almost no evidence of gender oppression or gender apartheid. Of course, the remaining "classical" archaeologists (almost all of whom are male) have by and large refuted Gimbutas' research, claiming that it is all speculation. Yet it has never occurred to these men that the archaeology that they have been preaching could also be reduced to mere speculation.

Since we can't go back in time and observe these cultures (or can we?), we will never know for certain what they were like. Nonetheless, it will benefit us all, particular women, if we try to put aside our ingrained male prejudice and allow the possibility that the world was not always "ruled" by men. And yet, it can be easily seen why this possibility is threatening to the "classical" archaeologist, and most men. Indeed, if the world was not always a "man's world," what stake could men claim in continuing the oppression of women?

The two books detailing her pioneering research into these ancient cultures, and HIGHLY recommended to anyone seeking information on this important research, are:

Gimbutas, Marija. The Civilization of the Goddess, Harper, 1991.
Gimbutas, Marija. The Language of the Goddess, Harper, 1989.

Great and Useful Links
The Prehistory Zone: including Megalithic Mysteries and the Megalith Map
AmazoNation's Gimbutas Page

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