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Mo's Travellogue

Hi! Welcome to my travel page! In terms of travel overseas, so far I have only gone to the British Isles. I hope to expand my travel horizons over the next few years, though!

Click on a link below to view PHOTOS from my various trips. There are PLENTY of pictures , so be patient for downloading!! :o)

June 1994: England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland
September 1996: England
February 1998: England, again!

Mo's Purplicious British Travel Links

General Travel

British Tourist Authority
Comprehensive UK Tourist and Travel Links
Virtual London
British Rail and London Underground
Virgin Atlantic Airways (the only airline I've flown to the UK)
British Airways

British Stuff

The British Monarchy Official Web Site
Stanford U's British and Irish History

Glastonbury, England (Isle of Avalon; King Arthur Legends)

Welcome to Glastonbury
Glastonbury Tor Restoration Appeal
The Isle of Avalon Foundation
Glastonbury: Land of Legends
Isle of Avalon Knowledge Bank

Check out my BOOK LIST on Glastonbury, Isle of Avalon, King Arthur, etc.!!

Mystical Travels (especially Goddess tours for women!!!)

Purple Mountain Tours
Goddess Tours International
Well Within's Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours
Sacred Journeys for Womyn
Maiden Voyages
Pomegranate Tours
EarthWise Women's Journeys
Magickal & Sacred Faery Tours to Ireland


Surf some great Mystical/Spiritual webrings to which I belong
(including the Stone Circle Webring)!!!

Back to Mo's Purple Parlor

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