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Lesbian Resources

Mo's Rainbow Graphic

Some things to think about...

"When we are as angered by the rape and murder of 7 year old Sherrice Iverson, as we are about the murder of Matthew Shepard, we will come together.

"When we are as outraged by the history of this country as we are about the Texas slaying of James Byrd, Jr., we will begin to strategize.

"When we are as intolerant of the deportation of Mexicans from California, their ancestral homeland, as we are about being gay-bashed, we will move forward.

"When we understand that the boss who rapes his employee and the guard who rapes the prisoner and the police officer who rapes the sex-worker, all rape for the same reasons, we will strengthen.

"When we recognize that the people who created the myth of the black male rapist, 130 years ago, are the same people who created today's myth of "criminal" youth, we will no longer be controlled.

"And when we believe that fighting for the human rights of everyone is in our own self-interest, we will begin to create a just society free from hate violence of any kind."

-excerpted from Anne King's speech for San Francisco Women Against Rape, 10/17/98

Below is a list of links of various lesbian-oriented pages. If you have a suggestion for a link,
e-mail me.

Mo's Purplicious LesboLinks

Lesbian/Gay Organizations and Resources
Straight Answers--how to answer questions about gay life and change anti-gay attitudes.
Data Lounge --lots of great news of interest to the GLBT community.
The Women's and Gender Resource Center--you've GOT to check this out!!
Pink Pages (Yellow Pages of GLBT Resources throughout the country)
Outbox: No Frames OR Frames
Hanarchy Now Productions
Girlfriends Magazine Online
GLAAD Online (Gay & Lesbian Advocates and Defenders)
Human Rights Campaign
Lesbian History Project
Lesbian Resource Center (Seattle, WA)
Lesbian News

Personal LesboPages
HissiFitt's Padded Cell
A Lesbian Celebration
Dannii's Page
JessicaGrrrl's Homepage
Beverly's Home Page

Cool (Miscellesbious) LesboLinks
Ladyslipper Music by Women
Annie Sprinkle's Home Page at Gates of Heck
Venus--a great cyber-zine (you'll laugh so hard you'll have to pee!)
K-Web (Kinky Web! for lesbians)
Grand Opening!--the Boston area's premier sexuality boutique especially, but not exclusively, for women. The owner, Kim Airs, is fabulous!! If you're near Boston, you have to check it out, or if you're elsewhere, you can get their catalog.
House O' Chicks (Neat Stuff for us gals...)
Techno Dyke Headquarters (formerly FunkyDiva)
Lesbian Life
Hothead Paisan: Homicidal Lesbian Terrorist

Surf some great Lesbian and Feminist webrings to which I belong!!!

Ugly Stuff

Ever wonder what the drawback is to being an out lesbian on the Web? Well, wonder no more! The homophobic vermin leave a slimy trail wherever they go! Click on the image above to view the pathetic offerings from a few of the world's saddest individuals.

Love is Never Wrong
The lesbolicious graphic above made by JessicaGrrrl.

Dyke Pride

War. Rape. Murder. Poverty. Equal Rights for Gays.  Guess Which the Southern Baptist Convention is Protesting? Support Disney

PRIDE��Gay marriage rights now!!

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visitor since March 24, 1998

This page last updated on March 9, 2000.

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The rainbow graphic at top of page was made by Mo.
Please do not copy it without asking Mo's permission. Thanks!

My thanks to Anne King for permission to put an excerpt from her speech on this page.

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