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Mo's Feminist Studies Page

"Feminism is the radical notion that women are people."

-Patricia Ireland, president of NOW (National Organization for Women)

Other Quotes of Note:

"The personal is political."

--Gloria Steinem

"The biological male is the oppressor not by virtue of his male biology but by virtue of his rationalizing supremacy on the basis of that biological difference."

--Anne Koedt, in Radical Feminism

"The domestic subordination of women provided the model out of which slavery developed as a social institution."

--Gerda Lerner, in The Creation of Patriarchy, 1986

"Feminists do not argue that it means the same to women to be on the bottom in a feudal regime, a capitalist regime, and a socialist regime. The commonality is that, despite real changes, bottom is bottom."

--Catharine A. Mackinnon, in Toward a Feminist Theory of the State, 1989.

"To counteract [the] mass-produced self-depreciation [of women], women will have to build female pride, raising up our own standards of how it is good to be a woman. Our failure has consisted in not actively affirming the female ego. If we must feel shame, it should be for this" (emphasis added).

--Mary Daly, in Beyond God the Father, 1973.

"The enslavement of women, combining both racism and sexism, preceded the formation of classes and class oppression. Class differences were, at their very beginnings, expressed and constituted in terms of patriarchal relations. Class is not a separate construct from gender; rather, class is expressed in genderic terms."

--Gerda Lerner, in The Creation of Patriarchy, 1986.

Also, check out a paper I wrote for a Women's Studies class:

"Building Bridges: Pro-Life Ideology and Female Empowerment in a Feminist Organization."

Know of some other great feminist Quotes of Note that I should add?
Have a great feminist quote of your own? E-mail me.

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Search for other woman-owned websites at Femina...

Here is a list of some great feminist links that I've discovered over the years. If you discover a broken or dead link, drop me a note.

Feminist Organizations

The Women's and Gender Resource Center--you've GOT to check this out!!
Reproductive Rights Network
Gender Equity in Education
National Organization for Women
Feminist Majority Online
Melpomene Institute (mel-POM-uh-nee)

Violence Against Women

BARCC: Boston Area Rape Crisis Center
Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Website
The Clothesline Project
REAL MEN: Work to End Violence Against Women

Media, NewsPages, etc.

Hanarchy Now Productions (Boston)
Liberated Women's Channel
Women's Wire

Health and Body Image

Museum of Menstruation & Women's Health
Keepers! Inc--GLADRAGS cotton menstrual pads

Cool stuff

Ladyslipper Music by Women

OUTSPOKEN: Since 1968 (Feminism, Leftgrrl's Web Ring, Child Abuse, Mental Health Awareness and More)

Eve's Garden

Yoni ~ Gateway to the Feminine
Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy
Boston Women's Web
Amazon City
Womynlinks!: Valerie Solanas
The Women's Liberation Movement: History and Resources

Surf some great Feminist and Lesbian webrings to which I belong!!!

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