Mo's Feminist Book List

Below is a list of books on feminism, women's studies, and sociology that I have either read or plan to read. I think they're a great resource for anyone seeking more information on feminist issues.

Have a suggestion for a book to add to this list, or comments on a book listed? Email me.

Books listed in alphabetical order by author.

Items with a next to them are HIGHLY-RECOMMENDED.

Amazon, Lizzard. The Slut Manifesto, unpublished, 1992.

Boulding, Elise. The Underside of History: A View of Women Through Time, SAGE Publications, 1992.

Camphausen, Rufus C. The Yoni: Sacred Symbol of Female Creative Power, Inner Traditions, 1996.

Cook, Elizabeth Adell, et al. Between Two Absolutes: Public Opinion and the Politics of Abortion, Westview Press, 1992.

Daly, Mary. Beyond God the Father: Toward a Philosophy of Women's Liberation, Beacon Press, 1973.

Daly, Mary. Outercourse: The Be-Dazzling Voyage, Harper, 1992.

de Beauvoir, Simone. The Second Sex, Alfred A. Knopf, 1949.

Dubois, Ellen Carol. Feminism and Suffrage: The Emergence of an Independent Women's Movement in America, Cornell U. Press, 1978.

Ehrenreich, Barbara and Deirdre English. Complaints and Disorders: The Sexual Politics of Sickness (Glass Mountain Pamphlet), The Feminist Press, 1973.

Ehrenreich, Barbara and Deirdre English. Witches, Midwives, and Nurses: A History of Women Healers, The Feminist Press, 1973.

Eisler, Riane. The Chalice and the Blade: Our History, Our Future.

Elman, R. Amy. Sexual Subordination and State Intervention: Comparing Sweden and the United States, Berghahn Books, 1996.

Evans, Judith. Feminist Theory Today: An Introduction to Second-Wave Feminism, SAGE Publications, 1995.

Faludi, Susan. Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women, Crown, 1991.

Findlen, Barbara, ed. Listen Up: Voices from the Next Feminist Generation, Seal Press, 1995.

Frye, Marylin. The Politics of Reality.

Giddings, Paula. When and Where I Enter: The Impact of Black Women on Race and Sex in America, Bantam Books, 1984.

Griffin, Susan. A Chorus of Stones: The Private Life of War, Doubleday, 1992.

Hansen, Karen V. and Ilene J. Philipson. Women, Class, and the Feminist Imagination: A Socialist-Feminist Reader, Temple U. Press, 1990.

Hunter, Allan D. The Radical Feminist Perspective In (and/or On) the Field of Sociology, unpublished, 1990.

Leon, Vicki. Uppity Women of Ancient Times, Conari Press, 1995.

Lerner, Gerda. The Creation of Feminist Consciousness: From the Middle Ages to Eighteen-Seventy, Oxford U. Press, 1993.

Lerner, Gerda. The Creation of Patriarchy, Oxford U. Press, 1986.

MacKinnon, Catharine A. Toward a Feminist Theory of the State, Harvard U. Press, 1989.

Miller, Alice. For Your Own Good: Hidden Cruelty in Child-Rearing and the Roots of Violence, The Noonday Press, 1990.

Moore, Frank. Cultural Subversion, self-published, 1991.

Orenstein, Peggy. School Girls: Young Women, Self-Esteem, and the Confidence Gap, Doubleday, 1994.

Pierce, Jennifer L. Gender Trials: Emotional Lives in Contemporary Law Firms, U. Calif. Press, 1995.

Pomeroy, Sarah B. Goddesses, Whores, Wives, and Slaves: Women in Classical Antiquity, Schocken Books, 1975.

Reed, Evelyn. Is Biology Women's Destiny? (pamphlet), Pathfinder Press.

Reed, Evelyn. Sexism and Science, Pathfinder Press, 1978.

Reuther, Rosemary R. Sexism and God-Talk: Toward a Feminist Theology, Beacon Press, 1983.

Richardson, Laurel, et al., eds. Feminist Frontiers V, McGraw-Hill, 1997.

Sky, Michael. Sexual Peace: Beyond the Dominator Virus, Bear & Co., 1993.

Smith, Joan. Misogynies, Faber & Faber, 1993.

Snitow, Ann, et al., eds. Powers of Desire: The Politics of Sexuality, Monthly Review Press, 1983.

Solanas, Valerie. S.C.U.M. Manifesto, Phoenix Press, UK, 1983 (initially self-published in 1968). Solanas' life is the basis of the film I Shot Andy Warhol, with Lili Taylor.

Spretnak, Charlene, ed. The Politics of Women's Spirituality, Anchor Books, 1982.

Sprinkle, Annie. Post Porn Modernist, Art Unlimited, 1991.

Steinem, Gloria. Moving Beyond Words: Breaking Boundaries of Gender, Simon & Schuster, 1994.

Steinem, Gloria. Revolution from Within: A Book of Self-Esteem, Little, Brown & Co., 1993.

Stone, Merlin. When God Was a Woman.

Waters, Mary-Alice. Feminism and the Marxist Movement (pamphlet), Pathfinder Press, 1972.

Willis, Ellen. No More Nice Girls: Countercultural Essays, Wesleyan U. Press, 1992.

Wolf, Naomi. Fire With Fire: The New Female Power and How to Use It, Ballantine, 1994.

Woodman, Marion. The Owl Was a Baker's Daughter: Obesity, Anorexia Nervosa and the Repressed Feminine, Inner City Books, 1980.

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