A purple page dedicated to that fabulous British comedy, 'Absolutely Fabulous.'
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Eddy Monsoon��Absolutely Fabulous��Patsy Stone

Hello, sweetie darling!!!

"Absolutely Fabulous" is the greatest British comedy to come to Earth since "Monty Python's Flying Circus." If you don't believe me, you'll just have to watch the show!

What is "Absolutely Fabulous?", you ask, and "Is it really Absolutely Fabulous?" Well, the only way to really know is to experience it for yourself. It is out for rent at most video stores, and if yours doesn't stock it, you've got some letter-writing to do...

The main characters (and they are characters) are Edina Monsoon [Eddy or Eds, played by Jennifer Saunders] and Patricia Stone [Patsy or Pats, played by Joanna Lumley]. According to The New Yorker magazine, quoted on the back of Saunders' episode guidebook "Absolutely Fabulous,"

"Eddy and Patsy still behave like groupies with permanent backstage passes. They snort coke, swig liquor, smoke, stumble out of taxis, pass out on lawns. Their wardrobes, in the manner of an FM station playing the hits of the seventies, eighties, and nineties, blend the worst of the last three decades into one hideous aesthetic statement. Eddy and Patsy, with their diva attitudes and outlandish insincerities (air kisses and endless 'sweetie-darling's'), have become the biggest camp icons since Krystle and Alexis duked it out on Dynasty."

The other characters are:

Saffron (Saffy, Eddy's teenaged daughter), played by Julia Sawalha. Saffy is the exact opposite of her mother: She's responsible and tactful, if a little boring.
Bubble (Eddy's dim-witted personal assistant), played by Jane Horrocks. Bubble is a few slices short of a loaf.
Mother (Eddy's mother), played by June Whitfield. Mother is usually courteous, but often aloof.
Justin (one of Eddy's ex-husbands, and Saffy's father), played by Christopher Malcolm. Justin isn't sure why he ever married Eddy in the first place.
Marshall (Eddy's other ex-husband, and father of her never-seen son, Serge), played by Christopher Ryan. Marshall was stoned when he married Eddy ("the worst trip of my life," he says.)

Eddy and Patsy's Utterings...

On adoption: "I would be quite a bit like Mia Farrow. I could have more than one. I mean I always regretted not getting a Vietnamese one, when that was the thing. I could get one in every colour...one in every room."
On why exercise is the only trend not embraced: "In the Sixties, we were too stoned to jog; in the Seventies we had platform shoes, and in the Eighties...I can't remember what happened in the Eighties."
On having her daughter, Saffron, by Caesarean: "Yes, I know I had a Caesarean, darling! But how do you think it feels for Mummy to wake up every morning and look down and see her stomach still smiling back up at her, huh?!"
On being arrested for stealing champagne: "Have you any idea how much champagne costs these days?! I was forced to steal it. My daughter wouldn't have allowed me to buy it!"
On paying taxes: "Why, oh why do we pay taxes, huh?! Just so we can have bloody parking restrictions, and bloody ugly traffic wardens, and bollocky pedestrian bloody crossings!!...Why not just have a "Stupidity Tax?" Just tax the stupid people!!"
On the thought of more children: "They make you think of someone else the whole bloody time, sweetie!"
On her daughter: "Excuse me if I die prematurely of passive boredom, or dull-as-dishwater-daughter-induced stress!!"

On lovers: "The only thing that got him up in the night was his bladder."
On style: "One snap of my fingers and I can raise hemlines so high that the world is your gynecologist."
On drugs: "The last mosquito that bit me had to book in to the Betty Ford clinic."
On an old acquaintance: "She was so anally retentive she couldn't sit down for fear of sucking up the furniture."
On checking out her hospital room: "No bloody mini-bar!!"
On a one-night stand: "Oh, he was just a windscreen washer I picked up at the traffic lights. Buns so tight he was bouncing off the wall."
On reasons to go to Marrakech: "Easygoing sex with gorgeous underage youths..."

Visit Mo's AbFab Picture Gallery!
NOTE: Lots of lovely photos, darling! Be patient for downloading!

Are you as Absolutely Fashionable as Edina Monsoon?
NOTE: More photos, sweetie!

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Adrian's Messy Closet: Absolutely Fabulous Page

The Fantastic Absolutely Fabulous Page

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