Absolutely Fashionable

So, sweetie...

You think of yourself as exceptionably fashionable, perhaps? Well, not compared to Edina Monsoon, darling! Eddy goes through her wardrobe regularly to purge her life of horribly revolting, unfashionable clothes--clothes that she simply will not wear! Instead, she dons her bod in haute couture. Maybe your 3-year old daughter could get away with wearing them, but she probably couldn't afford them!

1. Shopping Wear: Eddy in France. She's only got about 500 pounds to spend on groceries. She may need her credit cards...
2. Champagne Wear: Eddy cracking open the champ. Is she looking fabulous, or what?

1. Date Wear: Eddy, after a rather fabulous night out (with protection--whole packet, in case you were worried).
2. Work Wear: Bubble asleep on the couch below Eddy--somebody operate her, please!!

1. Dance Wear: Eddy in her fabulous drawing room with Patsy. The music is a little too loud for Saffy.
2. Travel Wear: Eddy travelling in Morocco with Patsy--they're hungry, tired, dirty, and they've gotta pee.

1. Beauty Ritual Wear: Eddy in a mud wrap (it's not a Vivienne Westwood!).
She wants to lose ten inches all over her body. Unfortunately, she gains twelve.
Every pore is an over-eater!!
2. Karaoke Wear: Pretty self-explanatory...

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