The Mo Files...

Hi! Thanks for visiting!
Well, for starters, my name is Maureen--nickname: Mo. I live in the Northeastern United States. I work as a researcher at a university.

The Northeastern US is a great place to live and work. People are pretty nice here, but then again, I've only lived in the Northeast, and people from other parts of the country say we Northeasterners are as cold as our weather...
But, hey, I'M NICE!!

I love designing web pages, and will soon try my hand at designing fonts. If you like fonts as much as I do, take a peek at my Font Collection. I still haven't decided what is my favorite font. It really depends on the category of font and the use. Decisions, decisions!! If you design freeware fonts yourself, and would like me to showcase them in my online collection, drop me an e-mail. My favorite graphics program for designing websites is Adobe Photoshop, and my favorite web browser is Netscape Communicator.

As you've probably already noticed, I am a lover of the color PURPLE. It is very soothing and spiritual, and it's also very sensual.

E-mail me!!

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