Mo's Travellogue: September 1996

Here are selected photos from my 1996 trip to England.

All photos were taken by me (except for the ones with me in it, obviously.)

1. Glastonbury Abbey; Glastonbury, Somerset.
2. The Tor (meaning Tower), a natural hill. (On top of the Tor is what remains of a St. Michael's Church, destroyed by an earthquake several centuries ago.)

3. The pool of Chalice Well, Glastonbury.
4. "King Arthur's Court," part of the Chalice Well Trust gardens, Glastonbury.

5. Me on top of the Tor, with Chalice Hill in the background; Glastonbury.
6. The Roman Baths; Bath.

7 and 8. The grave of Mary Jane Kelly (aka Marie Jeanette Kelly), the last victim of Jack the Ripper (11/9/1888); St. Patrick Roman Catholic Cemetary, Leytonstone, London. The inscription reads "Marie Jeanette Kelly, Age 25, murdered Fri. Nov. 9th, 1888".

Visit Stephen P. Ryder's Casebook: Jack the Ripper for a wonderful, thoughtful, and respectful website on the murders (respectful, as in to the victims, which is often overlooked).

Mo's 1994 Travels

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