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Here's some stuff you can download and use however you want. Of course, there's nothing stopping you taking stuff from the rest of the site, I certainly dont mind. In fact I encourage it! As with everywhere else on the site, there's not much here yet, and what is here isn't great quality. Still, anyone who loves wallpaper for their desktop will be thrilled to bits.

I'm going to do more when I've got time, and hopefully they'll look a bit better, but I've been using this one and it doesn't look too bad.

Desktop wallpaper

For anyone who doesn't know what to do, choose the right size for your moniter and click on the link, it'll take you to a huge version of the picture, right click on it and save it, then set it as your wallpaper. You can do this at the control panel.

If you want actual Teachers wallpaper to paper your bedroom or something, print of hundreds of them and stick them up! Well, maybe not, but it actually looks quite good as a poster.

1152x864  |   1024x768  |   800x600

Here's one for the Kurt fans! I like this one better, on the other all the icons on my desktop obliterated Kurt's face, here they all sit on the other side, giving me an unobstructed view!

Do the same as with the other one to set it as your wallpaper.

1152x864  |   1024x768  |   800x600
And here's a third, this one shamelessly stolen from TVNZ.co.nz. Still, they can ask me to take it down if they want. Assuming they don't, enjoy!
1024x768  |   800x600

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