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For anyone who has managed not to notice, it is possible to buy Teachers on DVD and video, as well as the soundracks They are available in the shops and online from the usual places. I won't provide links directly to the page that you can order them from, becuase the prices change and it is best to check out different places. For anyone not used to ordering onling though (who, for some bizzare reason might suddenly decide to give it a try now instead of popping to the shops), my favourite places to order from are Amazon.co.uk, MVC.co.uk, Play.com and Sendit.com.
Since Teachers in a Channel 4 show, I should probably mention the Channel 4 Shop, but never having ordered anything from there, I can't exactly recoment it. Plus the prices often seem higher there.

Here is what is available

Series 1 DVD Series 1 is available on video and DVD
Series 2 DVD Series 2 is available on video and DVD
alt="Series 3 DVD" Series 3 will be released on DVD on 8 November. So far there doesn't seem to be any sign of the videos (that I have noticed) But no doubt they will turn up
The DVD boxset of series 1, 2 and 3 will be released on 8 November
Series 1 Soundtrack The soundtrack to series 1 is available on CD
Series 2 Soundtrack The soundtrack to series 2 is available on CD
Series 3 Soundtrack The soundtrack to series 3 is available on CD
The soundtrack to series 4 will be available on CD from 8 November

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