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Meet the Staff

Simon Casey - Andrew Lincoln
Simon taught English at Summerdown School during the first series and most of the second. He spent huge amounts of time wondering whether he actually wanted to be a teacher or not, was embarrassed to let anyone know what he did and left at the end of series 2's eighth episode with a plane ticket to South America and plans to see the world. He returned briefly during series 3 with a beard and wowed everyone with tales of all the places he had seen, until he confessed that he hadn't even left England and had spent most of his time away hanging around Bristol. He stayed for three episodes doing supply work, and then disappeared again. His current whereabouts are unknown.

Brian Steadman - Adrian Bower
Brian teaches PE and from series 2 onwards geography. He plays the part of the thick northerner well, but isn't as stupid as he lets on - well, not always. He shares a very messy flat with Kurt and, like the rest of the gang, spends his nights drinking in the Plumbers Arms. Despite acting tough, Brian can be quite insecure, worrying for example about what people think about him or whether his accent puts him at a disadvantage. Unfortunately for him, he is one of the easiest people in the world to take the piss out of. He hates the fact that he is taken advantage of and is the 'wife' to Kurt. He is unsure around girls and easily bated by pupils and friends alike. Brian is also a good and loyal friend, willing to forgive most things, eventually.

Kurt McKenna - Navin Chowdhry
IT teacher Kurt spends his time lusting after women who aren't interested. He's cocky, lazy, short, obsessed with sex, wanks constantly and takes advantage of his friend and flatmate Brian who does almost everything for him. Without Brian, Kurt couldn't even find his way from school to the pub. He does have some redeeming features though. Despite the piss takes and general lechery he's does care about his friends, even if it's often only because without them he wouldn't know what to do. Kurt is the one who comes up with the best pub games and great wind-ups. He's got an opinion on everyone and everything. He is also a complete wuss, terrified of getting hurt and would do about anything to avoid getting a beating, though to be fair, he wouldn't have much chance in a fight.

Susan Gately - Raquel Cassidy
Susan teaches psychology, and it is probably because of this that she is the one everyone else goes to with their problems. She spends a lot of her time telling Simon, and sometimes Brian and Kurt, what to do about various problems. She isn't, however, without problems of her own, and having three insensitive blokes for best friends, she often finds that she has to deal with them herself. She takes on a head of year job during series one, and finds the extra work very stressful, but her friends don't realise how much pressure she is under until she snaps. Susan is the sensible one of the main group of friends from series one, but it's impossible to be sensible all the time, especially when friends with Simon, Brian and Kurt, so joining in their drunken antics like breaking into the school isn't beneath her. She is married during series one, but divorces her husband in series two. She is one of three characters that disappear with no apparent explanation sometime between the end of series two and the start of series three.

Jenny Page - Nina Sosanya
Jenny begins the series one as a work obsessed 'teaching machine' whose purpose in life seems to be to try to make Simon's life a misery. She soon mellows though, and eventually becomes one of the gang, trying harder to fit in because she thinks that people have the wrong impression of her. She teaches English, like Simon, but unlike Simon her classes get better marks and actually have to do work. She is brought into the gang by Susan, who invites her to the pub despite Simon's protests. Susan moves into Jenny's flat after her marriage ends. Jenny hates the idea of becoming predictable, and even dumps her boyfriend to stop this from happening. Over the course of the first two series she sleeps with both Brian and Simon and kisses Kurt, definitely not something you could predict after watching the first episode. Out of all the main characters, Jenny is probably the one that changes the most during her time on the show. She is another character that disappears after the end of series two.

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