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If anyone has any new information, please tell me about it

Monday 03/09/05

Teachers Series 4 is released on DVD today.
Sunday 02/09/05

Fans of Navin Chowdhry (Kurt) can see him in "The Golden Hour", Wednesdays at 9pm on ITV. The last episode will show on the 5th October.

Fans of Andrew Lincoln (simon) can see him in "afterlife", Saturdays at 9:10pm on ITV.

Wednesday 24/09/05

The Teachers series 4 DVD will be released on the 3rd of October. Thanks to Guy Blake for the info.

Monday 28/02/05

Adam Ducker has created an online petition to save Teachers. Please take a couple of seconds to sign it and lett Channel 4 know if you want to save Teachers!
Save Teachers!

Friday 18/02/05

Old news now, I know. But for anyone that hasn't heard yet, Teachers has been cancelled . No new episodes will be made.
Thank you to all the people that E-mailed me with this news.

Wednesday 17/10/04

Thanks to Guy Blake for finding out that you can now pre-order the soundtrack to series 4 from the Channel 4 shop. It is out on 8 November, and so far this seems to be the only place that you can order it from, although no doubt it will appear on other sites soon

Sunday 16/10/04

Thanks to Simon Fallaha for this piece of info. Andrew Lincoln fans might be interested to know that Enduring Love, a new film in which he plays a TV Producer, is out on 26 November in the UK.

Friday 15/10/04

Thanks to Guy Blake for finding out that the first episode of Teachers series 4 will be shown on Channel 4 on Tuesday 26 October at 10pm.

Thursday 14/10/04

Thanks to Simon Fallaha for todays news. Shaun Evans (JP) features in the new film Being Julia, alongside Annette Bening and Jeremy Irons. It is currently on release in America. No word so far on a UK release date. More on Being Julia can be found on the film's official site

Sad news too. Bob Mason, who played scary science teacher Stephen died from cancer on 21 September 2004.

Monday 6/09/04

Good news for Navin Chowdhry fans and Dr. Who fans.
Thank you to George Watson for letting me know that according to an interview in last week's Sunday Express, Navin Chowdhry will be playing a government official in the first episode, 'Aliens Of London'. Filming started on September 1 for two weeks.

Tuesday 24/08/04

Navin Chowdhry fans may be interested to know that NY-LON, the new C4 show featuring him, premiers tonight on Channel 4 at 10pm. More information on the show here

Saturday 10/07/04

Thank you to Guy Blake for sending me this link to an article on series four, where it mentions that in addition to an 8 episode series, there will also be a Christmas special, definately something to look forward to.
Also, thnaks to Helen Pockett, who has discovered that when series 3 is released on DVD on the first of November, a box set of all three series will also be released. For anyone who hasn't yet bought series 1 and 2 and is planning to, it's worth noting that the box set works out quite a bit cheaper than buying all three series seperately.

Monday 28/06/04

Thank you to Simon Fallaha, who has discovered from thecustard.tv that the third, unnamed new male cast member from the photo of the series 4 cast is Daon Broni, who will play a food technology teacher called Damien. Thecustard.tv also confirms the rumours that Summerdown school will merge with another school, which will apparently result in �a "them and us" divide between the staff and pupils�.
Thecustard.tv's Teacher's section

Friday 18/06/04

Thank you to Christina, who runs a Lee Williams Fan Site for letting me know that the new cast has been announced in Heat Magazine. They include an athiest RE teacher called Ben, played by Matthew Horne and an English teacher, Ewan, played by Lee Williams. The article in Heat also included this cast picture.

Wednesday 09/06/04

In an interview on myvillage.co.uk, Navin Chowdhry has said that neither he, Adrian Bower or James Lance will be in series 4. He also mentions that he will be in a new series, Nylon, which will air on Channel 4 in August. Thank you to Derek who provided the link, if you want to read the interview, you will find it here.

Friday 30/04/04

Thank you to Tom Young for pointing out the Play.com is now taking pre orders for Teachers series 3 DVD. It's due to be released on 08/11/2004 and costs �23.99. Of course, there's no guarantee that the date or price won't change in the meantime, but it's there, along with a picture to prove it exists. No sign of it on any other websites that I've been able to find so far. For anyone who wants to see it or pre order, you'll find it here.

Thursday 22/04/04

Series 4 news - Martin Lewis informs me that he has read in 'What's on TV' that Navin Chowdhry will not be returning for series 4. There is no word on whether an explanation will be given for Kurt's departure, or whether he will feature in any episodes. For anyone who wants to read the info for themselves, you'll find it in the issue dated 17th April - 23rd April.

Thursday 08/04/04

Fans of Raquel Cassidy can see her in The Worst Week Of My Life, showing on BBC 1, Fridays at 9pm. Thanks to Simon Fallaha for pointing that out.

Wednesday 07/04/04

Thanks to Jonathan for letting me know C4 are now planning on releasing Series 3 in November.

Wednesday 24/03/04

March has almost been and gone and there is still no sign of the series 3 DVDs and videos, but for anyone who, like me, is starting to get desperate, E4 has given us something to tide us over. Series 3 will be showing on E4 on Wednesday nights at 11.05pm, repeated 2.55am from the 31st March.

Thursday 11/03/04

Thanks to David for letting me know that Navin Chowdhry is staring in a short film called Seafood, showing at the London Lesbian and Gay film festival. A review can be found here.

Tuesday 20/01/04

Thanks to Guy Blake for tellimg me about this from the channel 4 forums. Apparently series 4 has been given the go ahead. Here�s what someone said on the board:

"Channel 4 greenlights more Teachers"

"UK broadcaster Channel 4 has ordered a follow-up season to hit show Teachers (9x60') from UK indie Tiger Aspect, making the school-based drama its largest ever commission.

The drama, which will be hitting the small screen later this year, will be produced and exec produced by Tiger Aspect.

This fourth season of Teachers (9x60'), greenlit by head of drama John Yorke, raises its total number of episodes to forty.

Yorke has indicated that it will be joined by a number of long-running drama series, making this style of broadcasting a regular feature for the channel's schedule."

Here's the link if anyone's interested.
Don't forget, nothing here is official, the person who posted this could have made it up for all I know. I don't think so though.

So the new series is going to go ahead, as for the rumours about who is and who isn't going to be in it, I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Wednesday 19/11/03

According to Channel 4, who were nice enough to reply to my E-mail, Teachers series 3 will be released to buy sometime around March 2004.
No word yet on whether or not there will be a fourth series, so fingers crossed everyone.

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