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How did Brian, Kurt and Matt die between the end of series 3 and the start of series 4?

Kurt and Brian have had absolutely no luck with women since we last saw them. One day, Kurt gets paranoid, suddenly remembering the whole "dilated pupils" thing - and suddenly Brian is panicking, looking for a guidance counsellor. Lo and behold, there is one in the town at the moment - Susan.
It so happens that she gave up teaching and got a job as a counsellor in somewhere like London. She has taken time off to come and visit her old friends. By chance, Brian and Kurt bump into her, and because they are old mates, she reluctantly agrees to help them.
In the end (and this is Teachers, so ANYTHING is possible), she convinces Kurt to go back to Carol. She's a bit behind the times, because she doesn't know about Carol's child. But Carol isn't with the Chinese man, is she?
As for Brian...well...she's reminded of the night they slept together, and has suddenly realised she's not over him after all. (She left the school because she couldn't be in the same place as him.)
Later, when Brian and Kurt drive back to their place, they're in a jovial mood, effectively ready to start new relationships. Alas, they've had a couple of drinks beforehand, and Brian loses control of the car. Their bodies are found just days later.
Regarding Matt, well, let's just say he was having a fag in the toilets one afternoon and dropped it. Unfortunately it made contact with a piece of flammable material, leading to a fire that killed both him and another teacher who was in the toilets at the same time.
Suggested by Simon Fallaha

Maybe there was an explosion in one of the science labs. The school was destroyed. Most of the staff and kids got out okay, but Brian, Kurt and Matt were trapped in the toilets. A good few kids maybe died too, which would explain why there aren�t enough kids to fill two schools anymore.
Suggested by Catherine O'Brien.

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