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Series 4, Episode 1
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So, the first episode of the new series. What can I say? To be honest, I'm not sure what to say, having only just finished watching it, but I felt that as the person running this site, I should say something.

The question I, and a lot of you have been wondering about in the months we learnt about the change in the cast is, 'will I like it?' Well, I didn't hate it. I don't know, though, whether I will ever get used to Brian and Kurt not being there. Their departure bothers me more than the loss of Simon and the other characters that mysteriously disappeared at the end of series 3. The reason for this is probably that the whole show has changed, the school is different, the pub is different, and the more familiar faces there were around, the less weird it would seem. Oh, I miss Matt too, I suppose, but he wasn't around for as long, so I didn't get as attached to him. The thing that bothers me the most though, is that being dead, they are less likely to return for a few episodes the way that Simon did. I can't help wondering whether we're going to be given an explanation of what is meant to have happened to them. If this was any other series we would have had one already, but being Teachers, I doubt we will ever find out. Not a very fitting end for three of the series' most well loved characters. Still, it was nice to see the usual political incorrectness as Bob used Brian's grave as a urinal. That's twice in this episode that we've seen Bob relieving himself, and neither time in the bathroom. I hope this isn't going to become a regular thing. Bob's unpleasant enough as it is.

So, the new teachers. They seem good enough characters, not that we've had time to get to know them yet. This episode was more about the Summerdown characters. That's probably a good thing. It would have been weird if we were suddenly watching a series set in a different place and focusing on mostly different characters. I'm not sure I would have liked it anyway.
I like new characters, though. But I don't like them as much as I liked the old ones. Not yet anyway, but I'm willing to give it time. I thought the RE teacher who wants to make sure everyone knows he's not a Christian was funny, and the English teacher admitting setting his bin on fire five times.

Clare was her usual self, with her plans to make everyone get along. She seems to have settled into the new school well. Even more people to boss around and make miserable, she is in her element. Nice to see not everything to her liking though, the bit with the buzzer was hilarious, and it was funny to see the staff room full of new teachers reacting to her. I wonder what anyone not from Summerdown will make of her going "Eunnnnnnnnnnngh!" to summon them in and out of her office. I hope she doesn't get a buzzer installed too quickly.

Bob, even the 'new Bob' is still his old self. A good thing really, he is one of the few remaining original characters. The wig makes him look even more of an idiot. Good, I hope he keeps it. He is probably hoping it will impress his mail-order bride when she arrives.

Really, this whole episode was a getting to know you exercise, introducing us to the new teachers and reacquainting us with the old ones, as well as them getting to know each other. By the end it seemed that everyone is going to get along, I hope that isn't completely true though. The open hostility of this episode can't continue for too long, I know, but the new teachers trying to avoid the old ones was fun, especially the 'Everyone's called Ewan' joke. Reminded me of something Brian and Kurt would come up with, but then it was probably supposed to.

So, as first episodes with a dramatically different cast go, not bad at all. Maybe 8/10, but they depends on the overall quality of the rest of the series. But I enjoyed it, and not just because of being starved of new episodes for so long. I missed Brian and Kurt though, and Matt. Not as much as I thought I would, but enough to make me notice that they weren't there. I wonder whether they will be mentioned during the rest of the series. Personally, I'm still holding onto that little thread of hope that they will come back. Okay, I know it's not going to happen, but it could. Maybe the RE teacher could try to prove he's not a Christian by holding some kind of voodoo ceremony and bringing them back as zombies... or maybe not.

Review by Catherine O'Brien

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