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Series 4, Episode 2
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This is a very slight improvement on last week's episode, but similar problems are evident. The show is just as uneven as it was the week before, and Ewan, Ben & Damien have still not filled the shoes of Simon, Brian & Kurt. Maybe they're just too smart, or perhaps they are simply trying too hard.

Still, anybody who doubted that Tamzin Malleson could carry an episode is proved wrong this week. Penny's failure to lure Ewan into her arms is shortly followed by a new admirer appearing out of nowhere. Unfortunately (or should that be "fortunately", considering her smugness?) she's in for a nasty surprise. Cue a look of horror on her face (and laughter from everyone else, especially the viewers). Meanwhile, Ben gets himself seriously involved in Age Awareness Week, and learns some valuable lessons along the way.

These genuinely interesting subplots, coupled with at least three laugh-out-loud moments and several warm chuckles, should be enough to make a really good episode. But they aren't. The tone is still inconsistent. In general, Ben's dallying with pensioners is handled really well, yet there are times when it borders on insensitive. (Somehow, I don't think Carol's attitude towards old people helps.) Yes, I have praised the show for its sardonic tone, but these days it appears to be going too far. Thankfully, the writers redeem themselves to some extent by reducing Clare and Bob's screen time. Apparently, Clare's sanity has returned.

My rating for this one is 6/10. Brand new Teachers is as patchy as ever, but I'd still take it over brand new Coupling any day of the week.

Review by Simon Fallaha

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