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Series 4, Episode 4
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At last, the consistency has returned to Teachers! Maybe this episode wasn't as wholly satisfying as episode 2 in this series (the one involving Penny and Anthony, which I now admit I underrated) but it made up for it by being funnier overall. Having a new writer and a new director on board this week seems to have done the trick.

It's Obesity Awareness Week, and you know that when looking for obesity in the group, you can turn to none other than Lindsay. And thus it is left to Vicky Hall to carry the episode for the most part, which she does admirably. Think about it - just how many laughs can you get out of Lindsay trying to lose weight, considering that's the last thing she'd want to do?

The answer is many. Especially since Clare has forced her to do so as an example to everyone. And people like Liz, Carol and the lads aren't making this any easier for her. Reluctantly, she goes along with it, although, as she eventually learns, being fat can have its advantages.

Elsewhere, Penny, who is as arrogant as ever (if not more so) in this episode, gets her first real comeuppance of the series. Maybe this will soften her in the coming weeks. There's also a slightly bizarre subplot involving Bob, although on this viewing I only found it intermittently funny. Other highlights include a couple of smart background jokes (although I personally felt they were lifted from Father Ted and Fawlty Towers).

I�ll give this one 7/10. There's more laughs coming our way, now all we need are stronger characters to go with them.

Review by Simon Fallaha

Hosted by www.Geocities.ws