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Sunshine, DayDream

"Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things
which escape those who dream only by night."
Edgar Allan Poe

This will be my future field of dreams...where I hope to have info and links related to dreams,
but mostly a journal of my own which are so strange I can't bring myself to post them as yet! We all need someone with whom we can share our dreams...

Ever since childhood, when I had the re-occurring dream about the family of white gorillas chasing me through a mazelike cave full of dead ends(??? HEY! I don't make 'em, I just live 'em!) I've been fascinated with dreams.

Here, you might find my dreamlog, or other information about dreams, but as all else around's in a constant state of evolution.


My dreams have had a lot of [closed] doors in them lately.... doors and people...and PATHS, always a path...ooh, and VIOLENCE! Yeah, doors and people and paths and violence.(with a recent sprinkling of s.e.x.)

One night I found myself walking with the devil, complete with glowing red eyes. He'd change form and become a woman, and my mother, and then a group of children. That was kind of a freaky one. Well, they're all kind of freaky, but pretty entertaining!

My friend DreamChaser contributed the following to the message board I hosted,

-------KEEP THE FAITH - By Billi Lee-----------

"You have a dream. You have an idea of what you want. Sometimes this idea is so clear you can describe it in minute details. Other times, you have to work hard to bring it to the forefront of your consciousness.

Sometimes you know, really know, this dream will come true. Sometimes you doubt and feel foolish for having such a dream. Sometimes you try to forget this dream and tell yourself you are better without it.

But this dream has a life of its own. It will never leave you. It is always with you, inside of you, urging you to bring it forth. You can temporarily ignore it, but if you abandon it, or kill it, you will suffer. For this dream is a vital part of you.

This dream challenges you and dares you to become worthy of it. This dream teases and taunts you. This dream beckons and calls to you. Listen to it, respect it and cherish it. Your dream is a wise counselor, pointing the direction you are meant to take.

Does you dream scare you? Good. It is the right size. Does your dream make you ask yourself, "Who do I think I am"? Good. It is bold enough. Is this dream hard for you to talk about? Good. It is personal enough.

It matters not what other people think of your dream. The more they attempt to diminish your dream the more they signal how frightened they are of their own. Pay no attention to them. All progress frightens the vast majority who has buried their own dreams.

Keep your dream to yourself or share it with a few trustees, but nurture it daily. Take it out and spend some quality time with it early in the morning or just before you go to bed. Close your eyes frequently during the day and daydream with it. This is not a waste of time as we have been taught but a wise investment.

Dreams have a life of their own, but they need assistance to come true. What sustains dreams is the faith you have in them and what brings them forth is the action you take. Dreams without effort is the faith without action we been counseled against.

Wishful thinking is pleasant. Dreams are disturbing. Wishful thinking is an acknowledgment of impossibility. Dreams are insistent reminders of what we are meant to do and be. Wishful thinking lets us off the hook. Dreams hold us by the scruff of the neck.

If you ever have the chance to visit the Crazy Horse Memorial in the Black Hills of South Dakota, do. Better yet, create an opportunity to go. There you will see an immense dream coming true. In 1939, the Sioux Indians shared a dream with self-taught sculptor, Korczak Ziolkowski, of carving a mountain into a memorial of Chief Crazy Horse.

A crazy idea. Preposterous. Who would pay for such a thing? It would take a life time or more to finish. And yet Korczak accepted the direction his dream gave him and single-handedly began. Later his wife and ten children joined him. Today, relying on private contributions only, the immense statue in the round, is emerging from the mountain and plans are under way for a University, a Medical Training Center, and an Indian Museum.

What inspired me on my first visit there, was not just the physical wonder of it, but the words of this dreamer. On a continuous playing video at the center, I heard him say that nothing, lack of money, poor health, fear, or even death, should prevent us from doing our work. He died in 1982. His work continues. He was a man of immense faith in his dream. The faith that literally moves mountains.

Not all of us are called to carve a mountain, but we are all called to do our work, which is what our dreams require of us. The obstacles in our way are just the lessons we want to learn. Yes, I did say we want to learn. For without forward progress our spirits sag, our eyes dull, and our song remains unsung.

Take out your dream, polish it up, accomplish a few steps daily and above all, keep the faith. Your dream has the power to lift you above the soul robbing mundane-ness of daily life, enabling you to do what you have to do, so you can do what you are meant to do."


Who is it, that walks these halls with me?
Are you there? Tell me [please.]

In my echoes to the silence today I came across something I jotted down quite some time back; a dream, or perhaps a nightmare, or maybe something else, entirely different.


I was walking with the devil
then I became him.
His eyes glowed RED.
Then he changed form
and split
and became
many children.

He started out
a friend.
He needed me
and he was losing it,
acting crazy, and I kept
telling him
I loved him
and to come BACK.

I was locked in a
tiny room.
It was empty.
The walls were tiled.
People were fighting
someone was being beaten
by someone really big.
I couldn�t get anyone to
help me help him.

"We all have possibilities we don't know about.
We can do things we don't even dream we can do."
Dale Carnegie

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