Writing has always been my outlet my journal, my cigarette, my drink after a long day. I would sink into the clean white sheets of my pages and pour my soul. It�s where I�d hide the painful wounds, rejoice at the peaks and nurse the tortured essence of my disappointments. It was my secret garden, for which only I had the key.

(Oh, GREAT! And now that I have a web page, I can just spit the stuff out on humanity whether or not it's only mediocre! But who am I to judge?) More motivation for you, my reader, to sign my guestbook!

There�s writing on the wall
words of wisdom
written in chalk
washed away by the rain

Circle of Dreams

I watched you
as you slept,
at the beauty
of something
so simple.

Your body,
around my pillow
even in sleep
you wanted me near.

Every so often,
you�d let out
a little sound,
almost a purr,
of contentment.

How simple
some things are.
At that moment
my heart sang
with a love for you.

As I quietly dressed,
I ached
to lie beside you,
curling my body
to match the curl
of yours.

your arm
to gently envelop me
in the circle
of your love.

the closeness
of my desire
the matching rhythms,
of our breaths,
our hearts.

the freedom
from our worries
as we travel
the path of life

in our
circle of dreams
of who we are,
and our place
in the world
around us.
SeaDreams, Oct. �98

Natural Resources

Under twilight stars
you wait for me
alive, with a life of your own.
Take me, my love.
Drink of my juices
and let us dance
the song of love.

My prayers
in silent reverence
sing the praises of our love.
In the afterglow
I shed a tear for the beauty of you
of us,
and the music we create.

I am reborn
as your lover;
the goddess you awaken within
brought to life from the kiss
of your sweet lips.
Your love
nourishes my hunger
gives new life
to the ravenous soul within.

I feast upon you with a hunger
that radiates from the depths
of my soul
nourished by your gentle touch
the texture of your skin
and the parts of you I have come to know
as if my own.

In the end,
we are but alone.
Yet for an instant
we are joined as something bigger
than the two of us,
powered by our inner sources
and nurtured by our love.
SeaDreams, Oct. �98

the fruits of passion

I savor the taste of you
so unique and delicious;
a fine wine, hearty yet subtle,
with just a hint of earthly blush.

We drink deeply
sharing the cup
exploring the exotic fruits
of our passion

pomegranates and kiwis
are the flavors of our love
sprung to life
with a power all their own.
SeaDreams, Oct. �98

Marshmallow King

King of my castle
you rule
with an iron fist
and marshmallow heart.

Your skin,
soft as a baby,
your shell,
like the armor of a turtle
you become dough
at my touch
needing the caress
of another soul

your body
cries out to me
to run my hands
along the whole of you
ever so gently
so that the warmth
of your heart
may reach my fingertips

I love you
with a love that�s for
no other
and in your arms
I am protected.
You are my amulet,
the crystal
from which I recharge
the pilot light
of my being.

All of my senses
cry out for you
at your absence
and I yearn
for your touch,
the scent of your skin
the depth in your eyes
at those moments
when I can see your soul
naked and bare
like only I may see it.

I would shrivel and die
without the essence of you
that nourishes me
and makes me whole
Like the plant
without sunshine
I would crumble and die.
SeaDreams, Oct. �98

Das Vadanya, My Love

Drink to me
as you seek the life
of gusto,
my love

Carry me with you
on the new adventures
that we
were meant to share.

Tuck me away,
in a pocket obscure,
and through your breath
I will breathe
and through your ears
I shall hear
and through your eyes
I shall see.

The sunset will echo
in your eyes
so that I may share the image.
The smile
that passes your lips
shall mirror the smile
of our two halves,
now complete.

And when you touch
it will be I that feels,
I that responds.
And you too, will feel
my pleasure...
because we are
and together we are

And when you reach
that crest
where you cry out,
let it be
for the two of us
and our union
will then be
SeaDreams, Oct. �98

the silken thread

We sealed our vows
under the eyes of the stars.
The whisper of the wind
sang our names
to the darkness.
We cried out
as our hearts met
and we became
forever bound
by the silken thread
that ties
the marriage
of our souls.

Passion's Arch

churning as the waves
under passion�s will
we arch and bend
as the sky that meets
the sea.

We writhe and twist
in ecstatic wonderment
at the beauty we create

when we touch
colors blend
as in a rainbow
we become
beauty and light
with an inner glow
that�s brightness lights the sky
and sets fire to the sunset.

speaking in tongues

We speak
in poetic tongues
a language
all our own

I fill your blanks
as you fill mine
a synchronicity of words
blended in hues
yet unnamed

we invent our own colors
with which to draw our world
brilliant, yet sometimes subtle
bright, with the occasional shadow
light, yet how would we know light,
if we didn�t know darkness?

true artists
in our universal quest
to create
a more beautiful tomorrow
yet never forget
to cherish today.
SeaDreams, Oct.�98

Murky Waters

on the seven seas
I am free
to think my thoughts
dream my dreams

Like a swan
perched atop the waters
I drift
in the murky waters
of life

The dark waters hide
unknown terrors
that lie in wait
to strike me down
tear me from limb from limb
and consume
all that is me.

Yet the peace
of gently riding
the rolling salty waves
watching the fish jump
and the birds sing
and the sunset melt
into the horizon
holds me mesmerized.

Should I be clutched
from this heavenly existence
and thrust to the bottomless
depths below
I wonder at the mixed blessing
of joining such joy and sorrow.

As the galaxies of stars
blanket me to
my darkest of sleeps
I breathe a sigh of happiness
that my soul may feel the lightness
of this terrifying, yet glorious reality
SeaDreams, Oct.�98

Smoke in an Autumn Wind

How many times
can I check the mail?
It is torture
to have so much to say
that must remain
locked away
in silence.

surrounds me
silent phones
that never ring
stilled hearts
that do not dance
quelled dreams
that wait to die.

Can it be, that the faucet
that once poured forth freely
cuts its flow so quickly;
and the temperature turns
from fire to ice?
And that which was
yesterday�s dreams
vanishes like a puff of smoke
in the autumn wind.
SeaDreams, Oct.�98

Time Warp of Misunderstanding

You are wrong,
my love,
in your
I would tell you
but when I try
to form the words
I find I am mute.

The adjectives
are all wrong.
Like a jigsaw
of words,
the pieces
fail to join
and become

Like a victim
of a dread disease
the message,
clear through my brain
cannot escape my lips,
forever trapped
in a time-warp
of misunderstanding.
SeaDreams, Oct.�98

Emmanuel Unchained

Like Rapunzel
I am locked away
in my fortress
through castle walls
thick of stone
and cold to the touch

My eyes, that cannot see
and lips that cry out
to be kissed
breast, under which
the pounding of my heart
down the empty corridors.

I touch myself
and feel me come to life
as I was meant to,
exploring that which
was made to be explored,
yet not knowing
of its purpose.

The cold dampness
of stone
takes on an erotic warmth
as my blood begins to boil
and I am consumed
with a passion
of which I know not.

My dampness
becomes one with the stone
and the fortress that is my prison
suddenly takes on a glow
as that of a campfire,
gentle and soothing,
with a spark of life.
SeaDreams, Oct. �98

simple bounty

Play with me
on a summer�s day.
Hand in hand
we walk along the beach,
golden rays of sun
through our windswept hair.

We tease the waves
and the salty foam
laps up the legs of our jeans.

A gull glides by
in search of dinner
effortlessly riding
the tails of the wind.

He smiles at us.

I lean to collect
some driftwood
a prized acquisition
to be added to my collection
of the works of nature,
my favorite artist,
as you bend
to grasp a rock,
tossed and polished
by the sea.

The gods smile down
upon us
as we feast
on the simple bounty
of our earth
as time stands still
to make a place for us.
SeaDreams, Oct.�98

unknown soldier
with tortured mind
I dream of you,
my unknown soldier,
there always to fight
on my battlefield
and shed your blood for me.
you journey, ever onward
on my behalf,
be it
slaying the dragon
for the betterment of mankind.

Your trust in me is infinite
your love for me is real
you stand both in front
and behind me
yet are always by my side,
bathed in the warmth
of the sun.

As you form
your protective shell
around me
I am secure
and find safety
in the silken web
of your embrace.
SeaDreams, Oct.�98

The Equation

we are stronger
than the two of us.
The fine balance
yet always recovers.

The sum of us
is greater
than the parts.
While we might be
considered poor
by banker�s standards
our lives are rich
in our love
for each other
and those around us.

And who�s to say
in the end
which of the two
matters more?
While styles and years
take their toll
on that which is material,
love may grow
for a lifetime.

I know ours will.
SeaDreams, Oct.�98

Hands of Time

may take its toll
upon our bodies.
The thin lines of
today�s worry
become tomorrow�s
furrowed brow.

The lines of our faces
reflect the happiness
and sorrows
of our lives,
telling the stories
of who we are
and how we lived.

I remember
some of the jokes
and happy times
that etched
those laugh lines,
and the sadness
when I could not
protect you
from the
harshness of life.
For those formed
that crease,
above my nose.

Sleepless nights
of illness
and nightmares,
of terrors unknown;
demons preying
in the darkness
upon a weary soul,
are all remembered here.

We are
but a book,
the writing
filling the pages
of our lives
timelessly etched
upon our bodies.
SeaDreams, Oct.'98

Sands of Time
The sands of time
will not change you
in my eyes

we will run
forever young and free
across the desert sands
swim with the dolphins
in the salty chill of the ocean.

The golden sun
will glisten
upon our naked skin
illuminating us
in rays of hope.

Like Adam and Eve,
we will be the Beginning-
walking hand in hand
through the garden
marveling at the beauty
of the flowers
and carefully holding
the future
within our hands.
SeaDreams, Oct.�98

Secret Garden

Hidden in my garden
lies a flower
that most never see.
Its scent,
sweet as the dew
in morning;
Its petals coiled
in perfect symmetry.

While the pale lavender-blue
of the delphinium
and the subtle pastels
of the delicate columbine
vie for attention
from the glads and tulips,
the daylilies work
establishing their roots,
their leaves,
and becoming ever-stronger.

When finally they bloom
(always my favorites!)
their brilliance
is well worth the wait
. And, though they last
but a day,
their beauty
often hidden
within their centers
is like that of Orion�s sword,
a shooting star
across the crystal sky.
SeaDreams, Oct.�98


Millions of our pitiful existences
poured into the pages on the cyber-world
we recite our views from mountains
hoping someone will hear
and what they hear will be music
the melody familiar
a song not heard by all
but a select few
whose lives were meant to touch.
SeaDreams, Sept. �98


I cry out for you in my sleep
yet silence echoes back at me
and you are nowhere to be found
How is it that life, in one swift move
can turn from full to empty?
And the strongest feelings can turn
from love to hate.

And why is it
that when we need others most
they abandon us
and leave us to wither alone?
And why are we such fools
that we risk
all that we have
reaching for handfuls of life
only to find we are clawing
the air?

And when it�s too late
and we find ourselves with nothing
but empty lives
what do we do then?
SeaDreams, Sept. �98

Long Shadows on a Cool Morning

Shining, brilliant
the dawn breaks
full of hope and promise.
Yesterday is now a memory
and tomorrow, still a day away.

All is still, but the singing of the birds
(and the barking dogs, but I try to screen that.)
The earth feels new as a glimmer of orange
turns the gray of night into the growing hope
of morning.

The jagged outline of mountains
sharply cuts the sky;
long shadows on a cool morning.
SeaDreams, Sept. �98


My love for you�s eternal
my feelings carved in stone
but looks like it�s not mean to be
I�m doomed to life alone.

My heart is getting rusty
my mind is in a sling
I cry my questions
to the wind
that doesn�t say a thing
SeaDreams, Sept. �98

Tomorrows of Rainbows

Let�s play in the playground
recite us a rhyme
sing songs of our childhood
and have a good time.

We�ll eat milk and cookies
and watch some tv
and life will be simple
and hopeful and free.

Our needs will be simple
our woes will be nil
our sleep won�t be restless
we won�t need the pills

Tomorrows of rainbows
will dance in our dreams
and life will be kittens
and laughter and thrills.
SeaDreams, Sept. �98

The abyss

I stand today at the edge of the Abyss.
Heights have always frightened me,
yet today I laugh at them.
For the abyss cannot swallow me,
and my footing is certain.

Many times I have stood here before
frozen in fear that I would fall to the blackness below;
the chasm that lay bottomless before me.
But today I just smile and marvel at the beautiful view.
SeaDreams, Sept. �98

The Turmoil

The hollow knocks echoed in the silence
invading the sleep of those
who sought escape there.

He buried his face in his pillow
wishing the noise to end;
hoping the phantoms would
and return to the night.

But the phantoms came from within
and the man didn�t know
that there was no running away,
no safety to be found
from the demons
who rose from within.

He so feared their image
that he failed to realize
that it was he who had the power
to erase the shadowy turmoil
and allow the sun to illuminate
his soul once again.

The sadness of his existence
stilled the breeze
leaving the air a pea-soup green
that clung to his surroundings
from which there seemed no escape.

It was as if he carried a cloud
that followed him wherever he went
wreaking havoc in the peaceful seas.
SeaDreams, winter'97

The Darkness

The dark enveloped him
murky shadows seeking refuge
clinging like cobwebs
to the damp and dusky walls
of his being.

Born of darkness
the depths of his evil
raged on an innocent world;
fires spewn like darts
from the tongue of snakes
SeaDreams, winter '97

So many questions

Like long ago
in the beginning
I stand naked before you
empty, yet full
knowing, yet na�ve

Like shadows cast from rays of sun
it is hard to know
which is the illusion
and which the reality.

So many faces I see
yet which of them are real?
And the one I believe,
is it real?
But then again,
am I?
SeaDreams, winter'97


will sleep ever return
the way it was before
The aching
in my heart
the longing
for you
to lay beside me

Heart, pounding
till it feels it will break
at the absence of you
at the presence of you
at the joy of you

Will my breath return
as it was before
Rhythmic, steady
and effortless
Or will it forever
take on this joyous aching
that flows from deep
within my soul
SeaDreams, winter'97

When the Bough Breaks

The dark cloud envelops me
a summer storm
in the autumn of my life
it flattens and destroys all
within its path
breathing its winds of fury
upon my weary soul

Would it have been that in my youth
the storm would have strengthened me
as the bough of a tree
grows ever stronger
from the wind�s caress?

I lie now, broken and twisted,
awaiting the rains
that will wash away
the scattered remains
of my existence
SeaDreams, winter '97

My love

Looked up your name in the phone book today
Doubt I�d have called-Wasn�t sure what to say
Just thought about hearing the sound of your voice
But declined at the chance-Yet regretted my choice

I know you�d enjoy such a pleasant surprise
Just as I yearn to hold you and look in your eyes
But you are my fantasy-I am your dream
should we meet, things would change-or so it would seem

So-No matter how tempting, we both must recoil
And both remain steadfast, and honest, and loyal
If it helps you can picture me ugly and fat
with a wart on my nose and a hump on my back

But know that you hold a place dear in my heart
And in cyberspace nothing can keep us apart
And, when everyone everywhere real lets you down
I want you to know I will still be around
To protect and to comfort,
to nurture and trust,
to hold you, support you
and give you my love.
SeaDreams, winter'97

All written materials on this page � 1997, 1998 SeaDreams. Reprint with permission only.

[Home] [TABLE OF CONTENTS] [My Boudoir]
[My Words-Poems] [From the Heart-Poems 2] [Sad Song-Poems 3]
[Tears-Poems 4] [Sunset-Poems 5] [Longings-Poems 6]
[Desolation-Poems 7] [Promises-Poems 8] [Silent Whispers-Poems 9]
[Reflections-Poems X] [Realm of the Paradox-Poems XI]
[BLACKNESS-Poems XII] Dust [in the Wind]-Poems XIII [Peter]-Poems XIV
[The Rainforest] [Sunshine, Daydream] [Sea�s Links]
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