...like footprints in the sand are washed upon our shores,
reflecting the ebbs and flows of our lives...

Gun in hand
I walk to the mountaintop
The world is beautiful from here
all shining in light
as I watch the birds in flight
and a stray lizard 
as he watches me
from his rocky perch

If only life could be this simple
black and white
animal, mineral, vegetable
and not the many colors in between
that appear to be one
yet also resembles another
as if to confuse the viewer.

Meanwhile, the beauty of the sunset
holds me captive
as the songs of my life
pass before me
and, as my lifeblood pours forth from my body
I become joined with the sun.
                       SeaDreams, 2/1/99

EROSION Like the coastline in Mendocino I am wild. Yet I am solid as the rocks the frantic surf assails upon. I have stood many years to the tides as shells scattered the shoreline and the tides threw the refuse of the sea upon its beaches. The ocean, while of water that spills, yielding, can also reach its hand to grab you and pull you down dropping you amongst the seaweed and bits of rock and wood washing in with the tide. I am this wild raw power yet I am impotent against its forces but stand proud as it hurls wave after wave of mighty attack and I stand in defiance. In time I will be no more but bits of rock upon the shore and a memory. SeaDreams 2/1/99

The Invisible Nobody sees the wounds... the blood that drips from my soul while todays and the memory of yesterday still smarts from the pain I walk past you on the street and you may smile but you don’t really see me nobody does. SeaDreams 2/1/99

Imprisoned within the confines of my soul self-constructed bars separate me from your world. I bury my head, ever-further in the pillow that I may not hear or see.....or feel I care not to taste the wine and drink from the springs of life that trickle down the mountain though pure it may be I fear it is tainted with the sewage from the bowels of men who care not what they poison or leave littered on the path. SeaDreams 1/31/99 Sweet Release oh that you would strike me down on rolling grassy hills where bluebells and yellow buttercups sing gentle songs to the wind in this bed I would sleep with sweet memories of days gone by where smiles filled the air and the sun set pink, orange and golden on the horizon I will dream of you, my love on nature’s bed where peace blankets me from the cold and the moon and stars shine down upon me and keep me safe. And if I should dream it would be of you during days we spent with laughter, and not pain nights of bodies joined in that tender dance of love when your lavender eyes met mine of bright green and we created a color all our own. SeaDreams 2/1/99

battlefield what makes love a battlefield where bloodshed and destruction mark success and the purpose is to break and destroy from days of old man has used weapons of war fighting battles that need not be fought over disputes where there were no solutions. What is it that is so worthy it costs lives and homes and families maiming and killing in a wake of destruction. Is this the way of man? Always wanting what is not his? Always challenging despising what is different and, rather than look to understand looks to gain submission? Power is the apple in the garden the fruit forbidden yet the one thing he must ultimately possess. Because it is men that believe that rules are to be broken and women to be taken; poor young virgins to be pillaged for the sake of his masculinity while salty tears pour forth from innocent eyes. We must build a secret garden in which to hide from those that would force our legs wide apart while the serpents of death enter our bodies. SeaDreams 2/1/99

Hit the Bricks, Bitch Even the poetry is dead the words: all used up the tears: shed long ago the feelings: destroyed by careless whispers. Once I loved you and the world was magic. The sun shone bright and the stars seemed to twinkle just a little brighter than they used to. I looked in your eyes and glimpsed heaven. Your heart touched mine, our bodies joined in perfect unity. We fit, as pieces in a puzzle. How it happened I do not know. Was there a moment, or a look, or a word that made things change? Did we do the puzzle too often, and wear out the pieces, so they no longer fit? Did we say harsh words once too often until they cut too deeply into our hearts and the apologies stopped having meaning? Like an elusive cloud the blackness looms. We know our destiny yet we try and fight it, Preferring the rainbows we painted together so very long ago. But our painting now turns black with a patch of red, an abstract of anger and hurt. And that blackness kills the gentle pastels of the rainbow leaving only a memory where dreams once were woven from the fabric of love and held together with our hopes, and the spark that once lit our souls. SeaDreams 2/8/99
The shaft of broken dreams I’m falling again into the web of darkness I know so well. Down and down and down I go passing rocks that jut like knives from the walls. Bits and pieces of fabric and skin bloody from battle cling to their sharp edges. The fingers reach out for me and yet I continue to fall, past skeletons of visitors past. Some have jumped, yet most have fallen here pushed by circumstance and driven by fury. Their faces contorted in ghostly pain, as if driven by their demons within. How did I get here? I know not. It seems I have been falling endlessly, for as long as I can remember. Tossed by careless words and shards of criticism. Will my release lie in a thud amongst broken bottles and pennies tossed? Will my face too, retain that ghastly glow? And when you fall down this well of broken dreams, will you look at my face and wonder of my demons? Will you wonder of my dreams? SeaDreams 2/8/99

All written materials on this page ©1999 SeaDreams. Reprint with written permission of the author only.

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[My Words-Poems] [From the Heart-Poems 2] [Sad Song-Poems 3]
[Tears-Poems 4] [Sunset-Poems 5] [Longings-Poems 6]
[Desolation-Poems 7] [Promises-Poems 8] [Silent Whispers-Poems 9]
[Reflections-Poems X] [Realm of the Paradox-Poems XI]
[BLACKNESS-Poems XII] [Dust in the Wind]-Poems XIII [Peter]-Poems XIV
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