Dried Leaves

A door opened
the night you walked
into my life
one I thought
had been locked
forever to me.

From it poured
the sunshine
smiling upon
all the dark corners
of my soul.
I bathed and sung
and shined in it.
For a short time
my heart danced again.
Parts I thought dead.
sprung to life again.
Heart, body, and mind
all glowed again.

Then the rains came
and the door closed
locking me in,
leaving me only
to look out a window
at the world
and seeing only
the dead falling leaves
that from once
sprung life.

SD 9/06

Come Back
Come back to me,
My Love,
and I will give you
all I have to give.

I�ll fill you with love,
brighten your days
with smiles
and happiness
and transform your demons
to angels,
or jesters, perhaps.

In the dark of night
I will light your path
with moonlight.
Through the storm
I�ll shelter you
and protect you
in the warmth
of my arms.

I vow
to take your pain
and make it my own
and shield you
from temptation.
I will be your eye
[and you can be my legs]
as we walk together
seeing life�s beauty.

SD 9/06 
My Vows

I stand alone
upon this precipice
searching the horizon
for You.

For once,
we stood here together.
yet now, I stand alone
and lonely
if you sleep or waken...
Not knowing if you�re
hurt, or in need.

Given the chance
I will be your everything
that it�s within my power
to be.
I will give
until I am empty.

I will see
even when you can�t
all that you can and will be,
the miraculous man
I know you are capable of being.

I will Know
all that is You
the good, and the bad,
and love you always.

As long as you wish me
by Your side,
that is the only place
I�ll ever be.

I will nurture, support,
love and cherish
as long as You wish me to
(and probably even sometimes
when you DON�T wish me to...)

All that is mine
I will share with You.
All that I am
I will be for You.

Body, mind and Spirit
will join in celebration
of US.
I will lay down my life for You,
give you quiet and peace
when the world around You
spins out of control.
I will give You
excitement and energy
when that is what You need.

Now, if only
You�ll come back to me,
and give me the chance
to prove myself to you...
For I can be
Your greatest asset and joy
if only You will let me...

SD 9/06  
Bathing in the Light
It�s only You
that can quell
the ache in my heart.

Only You
that can fill the void
and turn my tears
into smiles
and make my eyes sparkle.

Since you came
into my life
I have been
bathing in the light
of love.
You shower me
in Rainbows.

When we touch
the earth moves
The Stars
shine a wee bit more brightly
and the Sun peeks out
from behind the clouds.

It�s You
who makes the birds sing
deep within my soul.
Only You
who can brighten my day
simply by entering the room.

It is You
and only You
I want to spend my life with.
Only You
I want to share my bed with.
Only You
Now and Always
who will fill my heart
with glee.

SD 9/06  
On the Wings of Doves
Through all the painful yesterdays
we have traveled to be Here
in each others� arms
warm and secure
fulfilled and contented

You have been
the answer to my prayers
never whispered, 
only meant to be.
If my dreams had had a face
it would have been yours.
If my dreams
could become a reality
it would be this reality
we share.

Let us leave the hurt behind
and Trust.
Let us Risk
and take a chance
we both Know is worth taking.
Let us always
be Gentle and Kind,
Considerate and Compassionate.
Let us Believe one another
and Believe IN one another.
Let us be true -
to ourselves and TO one Another.

Let us share 
a path of Love and Joy
leaving Time and Space
and Limitations behind
as soar like doves
on the waves of our love.

SD 9/06  

We are joined
you and I
heart and mind,
body and soul.
It is a bond
that cannot be broken.
Though we may be physically apart
we will remain
together forever
held tightly by this
invisible strand
that ties us
like an umbilical cord.

It is not the bond
of mere lovers
nor that of marriage.
It ties us ever stronger
on that invisible plane
of soulmates,
only encountered on those
rare occasions
beyond the physical
on the spiritual level.

We may have loved deeply
in our lives
or at length
yet these are not
the bonds I speak of.
are exclusive
and separate
and oh-so-rare.

We may come to love another.
We may learn to love another.
Love may grow through time
or through mutually shared experience.
But a soulmate
is that special someone
or someones
who pass through our lives
and if only for an instant
is recognized to us
like a long lost friend
or maybe our other half.

in an instant
as if time stops
and allows us to
really see
as if for the first time.
Perhaps it�s the opening
of the third eye....
We are meant to be
in this place,
in this time.
Perhaps we knew one another
in a past life?
Maybe we pass again
life after life
and meet again
as if Destiny
takes our hand
and leads us
to one another.
And we KNOW...
For whatever time we share
is Precious and Unique
to be revered and celebrated.

SD 9/06

Unfortunately, Peter did end up being one of those shooting stars passing through my life. Our relationship has evolved into the best of friends, and I cherish that, almost as much as the dreams and hopes he brought back to life in me -those feelings I'd thought were forever dead.

[Home] [TABLE OF CONTENTS] [My Boudoir]
[My Words-Poems] [From the Heart-Poems 2] [Sad Song-Poems 3]
[Tears-Poems 4] [Sunset-Poems 5] [Longings-Poems 6]
[Desolation-Poems 7] [Promises-Poems 8] [Silent Whispers-Poems 9]
[Reflections-Poems X] [Realm of the Paradox-Poems XI]
[Dust in the Wind]-Poems XIII [Peter - Poems XIV]
[The Rainforest] [Sunshine, Daydream] [Sea�s Links]
[Grateful Dead] [People HELP!] [gods?]
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