pc worms

archy's friends: Ant brains, The bumbling hive, The economie, Living with bugs, Lovebugs, Mandeville's bees, mehitabel, Ode to a louse, Worms, Piss ants, Politically correct roaches, The termite, Directory

mehitabel's friends: archy, Brann's cat, Cat who loved shoes, On caterwalling, Economist view of cats, Gasket's Christmas ball, How not to drown a cat, MacCavity, Owl and Pussy cat, You done cut the wrong cat, Venture capitalist view of cats, Directory

Don Marquis might have liked these: Bumbling hive, Christmas Story, Curmudgeon, Free trade, Free lunch, Good ship Molly A, The satiric eye, Directory

Political animules: California's pied piper, Mugwump, New York's most famous hog, Spent hen, Directory

Fictional animules: A chicken is not a bird, Darwin's fish, Darwin's goats, Elephant on the moon, Green turtles are good to eat, Dr. Lobster, A mullet is not a fish, Possum, The vixen and the rabbit, Directory

Other animules: Aplach Oysters, Bartram's crow, Crows, Egrets, Guest , Jackdaw of Reims, John's passage to neuter-land, Ned, a grizzle bear, Ode to a squirrel, Old Crip the chicken, One molar in tadpoles, The peacock, Sparrow on a stick, Woody the stork, Directory


pc worms

it did it again i can t even
type my name
as it s suppose to be
without the computer deciding
to capitalize a as in archy

maybe that gates feller
can fix it
i hear he is good
at patching things
that ain t broke
an shouldn t have to be fixed
except he sold the pc people
not the pc people in washington
but those that use pcs
well maybe after giving it some thought
they are the same bunch

anyway he sold a passel
of software that has
bugs in it
which i can t see
is all that bad

but there are kids that
know more about computers
than they do about the birds and bees
who have found a way to make worms

now i find that sort of repulsive
here for all my years i though
worms came from eggs that
were laid by some other bug

maybe it s genetic engineering
that s all the rage
but i think that it s more
likely they ve been pounding
their head
against the keys
like i do
and just like me
don t get paid nearly nuff

so they re getting their revenge
against gates and company who
just like at the girly shows
lured them in and then
didn t give them what was promised

that s what mehitabel told me
i wouldn t know cause
i don t waste my time that way
i watch tv
programs and they all
seem to offer
the same stuff for free

anyhow if that gates feller
can sell just a few more
programs maybe he ll finally
have enough money to retire

but i don t think that megasoft
really wants to solve the problems
cause if they did those 54,000
or so humanoids would have
to find real work

well just sign me

Archy parenthesis archy that is parenthesis closed the cockroach ****

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