Updated: 30 May 2000
Drakul Logo 2
Blood DrakekhEarth DrakekhFire DrakekhSpirit DrakekhWater DrakekhWind Drakekh
Spirit Drakekh
Spirit Drakekh

                    Spirit Drakekh is an Artificial Discipline based upon the control of the Spiritual Element. Because of the intimate connection of the Spirit Drakul with the Spiritual worlds, she can have access to powers though out of range of vampiric Disciplines. But for the same reason, the Blood Drakul must spend more Vitae each night to remain active...

* : Spirit Sense of the Night Dragon

** : Spirit Claws of the Dragon

*** : Spirit Portal

**** : Spirit Breath

***** : Spirit Dragon Form

***** * : ???

***** ** : ???

***** *** : ???

***** **** : ???

***** ***** : ???