The Nasink
By: Nicky

This is a story Phi’s brother wrote. It’s loosely based on the Star Trek universe, so we put it on the site.

Captain, Nacles, male, Cheatro
First Officer, Sago, female, Human
Engineer, Picol, male, Satie
Helmsman, Colty, male, Cheatro
Scientist, Bengerman, female, Human

The Nasink is one of one thousand star ships in the alpha quadrant now…

"Captain, our speed has just increased by 30% all by itself!" said Picol
"How Picol?" asked Bengerman
"Unknown. but it has just gone up by another 50% ."
"Colty, stop us!" ordered Bengerman
"Can’t sir. The engines are at full reverse." replied Cotoly
"Where are we going?" said Bengerman
"To a nebula." Nacles
"Oh no. We’re heading towards a black hole!"
"Captain the bow disappeared and no readings are coming fro....."
"Picol! Picol!"
There was a large flash so bright you could see through your hand--then nothing.
"Where are we?" asked Bengerman
"I don’t have a clue sir." replied Nacles
"Let’s go towards the closest nebula."
"That’s 1 000 000 000 light years away. It will take 80 years to get there."
Captain leaves the bridge to go to his quarters.
"Great. The day I get to be a captain I get lost." he said, disgusted.

The ship shakes for a split second.
"Report" ordered Bengerman.
"We’re under attack, sir, by a ship!" replied Bengerman.
"Hail them."
A old man with a spiral on his head appeared in the screen.
"This is the Starship Nasink, we do not want to attack and we have higher fire power than you." said Bengerman.
"I am a one man space ship. You aren’t our type. Where did you come from?"
"Another place, another time. We came here by a black hole. "
"How did you survive?"
"We don’t know, but we did."
"Sorry, I attacked you. You came out of nowhere, and we thought you were Satie."
"Our engineer is Satie."
"What!? But you are not Satie?"
"Our crew is made of 10 Satie, 50 Ceatros and 134 Humans."
"How odd. A ship of different species. I will help you. My ship is very strong but with low fire power."
"Accepted, but you will have to do a couple tests. They’re quite easy. Land your ship in the docking port."
"Thank you."

"What an elegant space ship." The stranger complimented.
"Sorry, but I never got your name." said Bengerman.
"Oh, it is Plotix."
"What are you good at?"
"Me, cooking, gardening and I know a bit about hydrogen engines."
"Good, you can be the gardener. You grow plants for the ship."
"But there is a crew of 194 people!"
"Don’t worry. We have an item which clones the plants, so you just need to grow one plant for each day."
"I will get to work right away."

"So, how is he?" asked Sago.
"Fine, cheerful, but can be annoying."
"Oh, what is his name?"
"That’s an odd name. Where is he from?"
"A planet which got destroyed. His species has a power to move things with their minds, if they practice."
"Neat. Maybe he could move us."

"You want me to move the ship? I have only learned to move rocks and when you move something it takes away my energy." replied Poltix.
"We could put you against the combustion engine, and you could draw energy from that."
"Yes, but I would have to take at least a month, and I might not be able to do it afer all."
"We could give it a try."

"So, how is it going" asked Sago.
"It’s going fine. The other day I was able to rip out a bolt!"
"Excellent. And how are the plants?"
"Hey, you could practice on the plants like pulling them out of the ground or making everything get the amount of water they need."
"Good idea, I’ll start right away."

"O.K. Here it goes."
The engine goes from grey to silver to white.
"The engines have increased by 50%, 80%, 140%, 200%, 10%"
"I have to stop." Poltix said in a tired voice.
"I need something to eat."
Poltx keels over.

"You all right?"
A head comes in to focus.
"You had barely any food in your body."
"I ate thirty platters of pasta to try to prevent this from happening. How far did we go?" "Over 100 000 light years. Meaning, you kicked off 10 years of travel!"
"I’ll do it again."
"No, you won’t. You almost killed yourself. You just had one litre of fat in you to keep you alive. Anyway you need to stay here. I want to do a few scans" said the doctor.

"When I was moving us I saw thousand of my species all staring at me." said Poltix.
"Did you have any odd feelings?" asked Bengerman.
"I felt trapped and very angry. When I was able to escape, I felt they were in me and I feel them now."
"Could it be a dream, or did your people ever use themselves to power their space ships?"
"60 doe [years] ago, and what happened was they took people and made them move war ships and people with high authority."
"Sounds like slavery."
"What is slavery?"
"5000 years ago, native people who had black skin had to work for explorers, kings and countries or they died."
"I’ll go look it up in the data base."

"I see what happened. I fell into a type of sleep. I can easily make an antidote" said Poltix.
"O.K., let’s get home!" replied Bengerman in an excited voice.
"I will have to eat a lot, and it will take one hour to make the antidote."
"Good. I am curious. Do you want to go back?"
"NO! They treated me as if I was a parasite, and always avoided me, so they were happy to see me go to war. Then I found you."
"Are your people violent?"
"Yes, extremely."
"How do you have a society if you fight?"
"It starts by two people fighting with their thoughts, till they die or say something. After thousands of wars happen, then the winner goes on till he is disqualified or is the ruler. Then everyone waits till next doe and if they don’t do what the ruler says, they are sent to war. Once my people were kind, but then the Satie came and destroyed our culture. Now we fight the Satie to show them what they did to us."
"But not all Satie are involved in this. They don’t all fight. It’s like saying, you should be destroyed because your people are violent."
"I am not!"
"But you are from a violent species."
"I see your point."
"We’ll see you in an hour."

"Ready?" asked Picol.
"Ready," replied Poltix.
"O.K. 10%, 50%, 100%, 200%......,100% stop."
"How far?"
"We’re through the hole, and back home."
"Captain, Poltix fainted!"
"Get him to Sick Bay."

The fuzzy face of the doctor comes back in to view.
"This time you almost died, but with more food in you." said the doctor.
"Did it ...."
"Congratulations. You got us home!!!"
The entire crew was in the Sick Bay, cheering, and some other people were there.
"What happened?"
The captain steps forward.
"The ship was in a different time, so we were thought to have disappeared for 40 earth years, and you got us home."
"So what does Earth look like?"
"Come and see."
He walked down to the bridge.
"It’s a big blue ball, just like the star I saw when I was a child on my home planet."


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