The Recommended Reading list

This is a list of recommended reading list that if completely followed, will leave you knowing a lot more than we do. Reading or watching most of the items on this list will leave you with a much better understanding of the Star Trek script that we have written.

First: See a few Star Trek episodes. This being a script based on the characters in the Next Generation, it would be a good idea to watch mostly those. There is also references to the original series, Voyager, and very few on DS9 so it would be a good idea to be familiar with the general idea of these shows.

Warning: watching more than 5 hours of Star Trek a day is extremely dangerous to your physical and mental health. Trust us, we know this from experience, and are still facing the damage.

Second: To understand most of the references we make, you might want to look at this list:

On this site:
Sylvia and Elisabeth's bios
Sigma's theory on the Borg
The Wise Book of Sigma
Pi to the Thousandth digit (plus)

Third: Try to read the following books, or at least the backs of the following books.

The Nitpicker's Guide to Star Trek, any of them
The Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy Trilogy, books 1-5, (no it's not a printing error) By Douglas Adams, or just watch the movie.
The Star Trek Encyclopedia by Michael and Denise Okuda, this is for those of us who have not seen all the episodes.
The Q books: Q-squared, I,Q both by Peter David
Imzadi, also by Peter David.

Fourth: Watch these movies and television programs.
All the Star Wars Movies
Gargoyles the TV show (check the cast, notice any similarities to ST?)
Galaxy Quest (this is a really good movie, watch it)
The following Star Trek episodes:
(Note: Links go to The Official Star Trek Web Site episode pages.
Star Trek: The Next Generation
-Q Who?
-Deja Q
-Encounter at Farpoint Part I and
-Part II
-I, Borg
-The Game
-All Good Things... Part I and
-Part II
-True Q
-Hide and Q
-Any five of episodes 3-37
Voyager episodes:
-Unimatrix Zero Part I and
-Part II
-Scorpion Part I and
-Part II
-Death Wish
-The Q and the Grey
TOS episodes:
-The Trouble with Tribbles
DS9 episodes:
-Trials and Tribble-ations
All the Star Trek Movies, 1-9, and 10 when it comes out.
Knowledge of the show All Creatures Great and Small, don't watch it, it is incredibly boring.

And Finally: We would like to say that neither of us have read, seen or experienced everything on this list and, since we wrote the script, this is obviously only a rough guideline. But note that most of the things on this list are well worth reading or watching. To fully understand all the references, this is a good list to follow, but not to the last letter. Enjoy!

Oh, and here are two quotes from Star Trek: First Contact. Note the amazing mathematics of the Borg.

Picard comments on the number of decks on the Enterprise-E
How many decks again?

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