Fun With Tribbles

Note: Do NOT use a live Tribble for any of the games. Sigma and Phi are against cruelty to Tribbles and want to help stop it. If you know of an abused Tribble, please contact your local Federation Humane Society.

Tribble Fight

Needed	- A lot of Tribbles of various sizes
	- Another sentient humanoid or two
	- A room with no breakable objects

How to play:
(Come on, this should be self explanitory.  For those of you who haven't
figured it out..)  Throw pretend tribbles at other participating lifeform.
Similar to a snowball fight, or a food fight.

Tribble Pong

Needed	- One stuffed Tribble (any size)
	- Two stiff Star Trek movie cases, special edition TOS episodes work 
		well (don't forget to take the movie out first), or two 
		Star Trek novels, or two ping pong paddle equivalents
	- Another sentient humanoid

How to play:
Take the Tribble and bump it back and forth through the air using the movie cases.
Don't let it hit the ground.
Talk about Star Trek.

Tribble Bounce

Needed	-multiple Tribbles, any size (real tribbles like this too!)
	-medium sized blanket or sheet (StarFleet issue works well) 
	-one other fellow sentient being with some sort of appendages 
		to hold the blanket (you'll have to be creative if
		you are a Horta or playing with one)	

How to Play:
Put all your Tribbles on your blanket.  
Fairly distrubute the corners between your fellow sentient beings with
appropriate appendages.
Use blanket to toss the tribbles in the air, and catch again.  
Admire the gracefulness of the flying Tribbles.
Practise on fake Tribbles before entertaining your real Tribbles.

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