Who Owns The Tribble?

We found this puzzle and have adapted it to be about Tribbles. It can actually be solved, but it may take you more than just logic. Note: We randomly chose planet classes, Starships, etc. so they aren't supposed to make sense.

The facts essential to solving the problem--which can indeed be solved by combining deduction, analysis, logic, and sheer persistence--are as follows:

1. There are five planets orbiting around a star, each planet of a different class and inhabited by humanoids of different species, with different pets (or owned by Q), drinks, and Starships.

2. The Cardassian lives on the J-class planet.

3. The Ferengi owns the nanoprobe.

4. Coffee (black) is drunk on the N-class planet.

5. The Human drinks Synthehol.

6. The N-class planet is one planet closer to the sun than the Y-class planet.

7. The Defiant owner also owns a cat (Spot).

8. The Galaxy class owner lives on the M-class planet.

9. Scotch is drunk on the middle planet.

10. The Romulan lives on the outer most planet.

11. The man who owns a Sovereign class Starship lives on the planet next to the humanoid with the Targ.

12. A Galaxy class Starship is in geostationary orbit around the planet next to the planet where the humanoid is owned by Q.

13. The Intrepid owner drinks Green (Aldebaran whiskey).

14. The Klingon owns a Constitution class Starship.

15. The Romulan lives on the L-class planet.

Now, who drinks Earl Grey Tea? And who owns the Tribble?

Think you've got the answer? Contact [email protected] or [email protected] to see if you're right. We promise we don't bite.

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