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  • The Database

    General Data
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    Political Data
    Miscellaneous Data




    In order to most effectively convey information about a country, a short, concise selection of relevant facts is assembled as a resource. Several reference almanacs include such brief, yet informative snapshots that encapsulate a state's social, political, cultural and economic in a thorough, yet accessible format. A "World Factbook" published by the Central Intelligence Agency ( online version here,q.v.), is probably the most accurate, up-to-date reference for a "just the facts" view of the many countries and territories around the globe.

    The Ministry of Propaganda (or Information) has assembled such a resource for the Kingdom of TorHavn. Molded from a "national database" format popular among micronations as far back as 1998, the 2000 World Almanac and the CIA World Factbook, we present this bouquet of facts and figures about our Realm. The template as created by another Monarchy, the Kingdom of Falkenberg, developed as a standard for other micronations.

    A. General Data
    1. Popular Name:���TorHavn

    2. Three Letter Identifier:�����TOR

    3. Official Name:�����The Kingdom of TorHavn

    4. Capitol City:�����(Cybercity): Sequoia City.

    5. Nationality of Citizens:�����TorHavnian.

    6. Official Calendar:�����Gregorian.

    7. Official Languages:�����English is our primary tongue, but we also use Laadan, for its facility at perception, and Esperanto, for its universality.

    8. National Holidays:�����Founder's Day (August 3, 1999), Earth-based holidays (solstices & equinoxes), Earth Day (April 23rd), Emperor Norton Day (January 8th).

    9. Credo/Motto:�����"Loyalty Above All Else ... Except Honour."

    10. National Anthem:�����"That Honour Never Fade (A Warrior's Creed)" To the tune of "Herald's Creed" (Firebird Art), by Cecilia Eng.

    11. Origin of name:�����Norse (Viking) tor = tower or keep; havn = sanctuary.

    12. Measurement System:�����Metric (meter/liter/gram).

    B. Social Data

    1. Ethnic Diversity:�����90% North/Western Europe (so far)

    2. Religion:�����No State-recognized religion; spiritual affiliation is an individual choice.

      Obligatory Military Service:�����Yes --- as needed on standby (see Codex Rexxx)

    3. Death Penalty:�����Yes (see the Codex Rex)

    4. Censorship of the Press:�����Yes -- limited (see the Codex Rex)
    5. Homosexual "Rights":�����NO ONE HAS RIGHTS OVER ANYONE ELSE; GAY RIGHTS ARE *NOT* "SPECIAL" RIGHTS!! Every citizen of the Realm has the SAME rights re: marriage (Partnering), inheritance, jobs, justice & redress of wrongs, education, spiritual sustenence, etc. as any other.

    6. Direct Elections:����� No.

    7. Taxation:�����Yes (See the Codex Rex).

    8. Free Speech:�����Yes and no (See the Codex Rex).

    9. Main Newspaper:�����"The Weekly Sentinel", & the Kamarada Newsjournal (foreign news only), under authority of the TorHavnian News Agency.

    10. Illiterates:�����Above the age of majority (15): none

    C. Economic Data

    1. System of Economy:�����Barter locally ("Green"/local buying)

    2. Currency:�����Crown (base unit. (based on bar steel's value in open market).

    3. Current value in U.S. Dollars:����� 1:0.80

    D. Current Geographic Data

    1. Continent:�����North America.

    2. Location:����Currently within the State of California of the United States of America.

    3. Limits:�����Flexible at present.

    4. Major Cities:�����Physical: None at present. Web-Based: 1 - Sequoia City.

    5. Area:�����Flexible.

    6. Local Time (Relative to GMT):�����-8 hours.

    7. Proposed Area of "Interest":�����Generically, Northern California (behind the "Redwood Curtain")

    E. Political Data

    1. Political System:�����Absolute Monarchy (Enlightened Absolutism).

    2. Major Parties:�����None.

    3. Parliamentary System:�����None at present (see the Codex Rex.

    4. Structure:
        Moderative Power:
                Chief of State: HM Kasimir Diana I & HM Ambyre Maria I, Co-Monarchs. (since 3 August 1999)
          : none; the Monarchs are chosen by challenge to their Crown (see Principle of Government and succession is determined by same.
        Executive Branch:
                Head of Government: Same as Head of State (since 3 August 1999)
                Privy Council: A panel of Ministers, appointed by the Crown.
          Elections: none; Ministers are chosen for their skill in their Ministry.
        Legislative branch:
                Uppher House of Council:: The House of Nobles / consists of the Privy Council, and all Nobles who care to sit, plus all Knights of TorHavn. Only those who asit the Upper House may vote. Councilors serve for life unless removed by majority of Council, and assented to by the Crown.
               Lower House of Council:: The Commons / consists of the and all Nobles who care to sit. Only those who asit the Commons may vote. Councilors serve for life unless removed by majority of Council, and assented to by the Crown. Participation garners partial refund of property and sales taxes.)

                Elections: None; all citizens asit the Councils.
        Judicial branch:
          Highest court of appellate jurisdiction is the Royal Council of State, inferior tribunals created under Acts of Parliament.
    5. Province, States, Districts:�����None at present.

    6. Political Allies:�����See Foreign Relations.

    7. Membership in International Organizations:�����See Foreign Relations.

    8. Diplomatic Relations:�����See Foreign Relations.

    National Symbols (Includes Misc. Data)

    1. National Animal:����� Great Sea Otter.

    2. National Marine Animal: �����Orca.

    3. National Tree:����� Coastal Redwood.

    4. National Flower:����� Foxglove.

    5. National Bird:����� Peregrine Falcon.

    6. National Fish:����� King (Chinook) Salmon.

    7. National Insect:����� Pumpkin Spider.

    8. National Reptile:����� Timber Rattlesnake.

    9. National Fossil:����� Giant Ground Sloth

    10. National Colors:�����Midnight Blue, Crimson, Forest Green.

    11. National Sport (Outdoor):����� Tourneys/Lists (Practice makes perfect).

    12. National Sport (Indoor):�����Sword N Sorcery RPG's.

    Click here for the CIA Factbook entry for TorHavn.
    Click here for the US State Department travel advisories for TorHavn.

    Thank you
    The Ministry of Propaganda/Information

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