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Differences of opinion or policy should never be expressed in terms of infantile behavior or the use of personal attack. Even if personal (non-official or etcetera), communications should, of course, proceed along lines that are acceptable to ALL parties concerned, not just one or the other. We of this Kingdom wish to go on record that We shall ALWAYS do so, whether on an official level or otherwise, whether on the World Wide Web or in person.

This, of course, includes the absurdity of micronational war under current conditions [Please note that absurdity does not equal impossibility]. Our most strict policy must be to shun the offending nation, to exhort Our allies to do likewise, and to treat any aggressive attack on Our internet presence as a breach of international law, and reported to the appropriate authorities.

The following shall be regarded as the foreign policy of our Kingdom (many of whom are strongly influenced by similar Principles which currently stand in the Great Republic of Molossia:

All currently existing relationships, regardless of any statements that follow, shall stand unmodified (as is)

New Diplomatic Policy
The above expectations shall colour all of TorHavn's thinking and behaviour as regards foreign policy, diplomacy, and future (inter[micro]national) trade (although it is the express opinion of TorHavn that such a "requirement" should NOT be necessary).]
The Kingdom of TorHavn is a sovereign, independent nation. Our nation extends the hand of friendship to all peoples in all lands. We are always interested in exploring positive, informal relations with other countries and nations.

Effective 26 March 2007, the Kingdom of TorHavn will no longer enter into formal diplomatic relations with any other nation. Rather, we will entertain only informal relationships between our nation and others. This change in policy reflects our realization that our foreign policy has been restrictive and not in accordance with the concept of Declarative Statehood. Declarative Statehood is a cornerstone of the concept of small, or micro, nations, and is recognized as canon by certain larger nations, in accordance with the Montevideo Convention of 1933. Simply put, it states that a nation does not have to be recognized by another nation in order for it to exist and be sovereign. This is the approach that TorHavn uses to deal with larger nations that do not recognize us . Thus, it is logical to apply the same standard to dealing with smaller, unrecognized nations. Henceforth, our policy is simple, friendship toward other small nations, but no formal relations, to include treaties. They are not necessary; you do not need to to be recognized by TorHavn in order to be sovereign, any more than you need to be recognized by a larger nation in order to be sovereign. If you state your sovereignty, that is good enough for our government, as is should be for all nations. It is important to understand that this is not an isolationist foreign policy. We welcome friendly informal relations with all nations, large and small, and we pledge our assistance and friendship in helping any new nation develop. Please do not hesitate to contact our government if we can be of any assistance. In all cases, any nation or country or national project shall still exhibit:

  • Civility, that the nation in question shall show itself willing to deal politely with its fellow nations, and shall not propagate formal statements of bigotry towards individuals, based on gender, race, creed, political or sexual persuasion;
  • Integrity, that the nation in question shall not advocate, instigate, or participate in activities which should, by any civilized nation, be considered "criminal."
  • Mutuality, that the nation in question has an active foreign policy, and does not display a fundamental unwillingness to undertake such.
  • .

          IN ALL CASES:
          The Policies, Principles, and/or Constitution (or other such code, etc.) MUST be visible to TorHavn;
          We shall not knowingly entertain friendly relations with any other NATION which participates in or advocates activities which denigrates or violates the Principles which We hold dear.
          We shall also not knowingly entertain friendly relations with any nation whose stated territorial claims include those of Our "area of interest."

    Additional, Specific Policies:

    Because of the previously stated policy regarding decorum & courtesy:

    TorHavn will always support the use of peaceful resolution as regards any disagreement or misunderstanding that may surface through peaceful means, either through direct negotiation or third party mediation.

    TorHavn does not and will not sponsor or support the violent or abrupt change of any nation's legitimate government. The Kingdom of TorHavn will instead avail Herself to serve as mediator between those nations that need such assistance so long as TorHavn does not have a vested interest in these proceedings, as dictated by the environment, treaties/alliances (etc), and/or circumstances.

    Also, while the policies of TorHavn cannot include actual membership in those organizations that "cannot" adhere to conduct that are cordial and proper according to recognized International Law. It may, however, seek observer status in such groups and/or associations, in the interests of promoting such behavior.

    Final Notes:
    TorHavn, in evaluating the extent to which friendly relations shall be exercised, visits the "location(s)" of the nation making this request (virtual being the most convenient method at this time). In doing so, We shall ALSO peruse the links, contacts (and therefore) the allies and/or friends of the primary nation making such a request, in an effort to better know Them. It is, then, perhaps prudent to make note that friendly relations can only be exercised with the nation(s) which TorHavn has come to know & honour by "personal experience".

    TorHavn shall ever extend, to the maximum of Her abilities, a growing respect & affection to those (primary) nations & groups that (continue to) demonstrate the same (and in token of this Friendship, to give aid and/or succor to the "friends and/or allies" of Their Allies on a case-by-case basis, depending on the environment and/or circumstance.

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