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Author Recs

A: Ashkara

C: Clarysage

D: D.C.Logan, Dyna Dee

F: Flamika

K: Keelywolfe, Kracken, Krista

L: Lady Bast, Lone Wolf

M: Madamhydra, Maldoror, Mel & Christy

S: Spooks, Sunhawk

Golden Archives

A Little Piece of Gundam Wing
This site's not "little" by any stretch of imagination. It has a nice collection of Duo-centric fics plus a HUGE Links section. One of the no-summary archives that I actually liked. Who knows those warnings could be so informative?

Aenai Ai
The site is formerly known as 'Stellar Soldiers'. I hate the lack of summaries.

Atsui 1x2x1
A lovely heaven for 1x2x1 lovers. Excellent collection of fanfics and arts plus she got some awesome media files.

Death and The Dragon
Most obviously a 2x5x2 site, lovely fiction and pics.

A neat mostly 1x2x1 rec site. Lots of links, very organized.

Facades: A Duo+Trowa Archive
Definitely some great fics here. The 'Appearances' Series, 'Screams for The Peanut Butter Jar' etc...

Faith, Hope and Justice
Great quality 3+4+5 archive. A must for all readers liking Trowa, Wufei and Quatre.

Fan Works Recs
Organized. Clear summaries. Excellent collection fo authors. I LOVE this site. I hit this site so often it isn't even funny.

Gundam Wing Addiction
What rock have you been hiding under if you don't know this site? The biggest and most comprehensive GW fanfic site you'll ever get

Get your dirty little minds out of the gutter! The site is a bit hard to navigate since the fanfic has no summary but it do have a lovely layout.

Katsu has written some pretty amazing stuff, 'Acherontia Atropos', 'Pyractomena Borealis' and plenty more

Lev's Lair
Fully translated GW doujinshi, lots of fanfiction, galleries and information.

Maxwell's Salvage
I especially recommend 'Daydreams'

My Writings on The Wall
I can't really remember what's the content of this site...

Sainan no Keika
This story is a long novel-length plot-driven fanfic in one continous Universe. It explores the what-ifs and what-could-have-beens in the original series. It explores each character and gives them depth. I have no words for it but I'm serious people, it's LONG.

The site is for new, unrecognized author who had written great fics. LINK BROKEN.

Similar Opposites
Abandoned. It still has the fanfiction page though. 2x3x2 archive

Steelsong has a great multi-fandom rec site with a selectively tasteful fics in the Gundam Wing section.

Sweetly Sour
Fanfiction Archive

The Society for Helping Wufei Get Some (TSFHWGS)
Wufei-centric. Lovely colletion of archive but not updated for some time. Plus there's no freakin' summary. Damnit! I hate it when they don't have summary.

Wild Wing Alleyway
I've JUST gotta link this! Their doujinshi section is just so KAWAII!!!
There's definitely quantity but I'm doubtful about the quality...

Fanfic Contests

The contest motto:All things that shouldn't be done MUST be done. Well...what can I say to that?

Devil With An Angel's Face
Main idea:Quatre or Duo had to be villain. Quite an intriguing concept and I really relished the idea now if there ain't so much of those annoying pop ups...

Need I even explain this? The contest is damn well-known in the fandom.

Yaoiful Yuletide Contest
Technically, this isn't a GW fanfic contest but I thought I'll include it here anyway...

Character Wufei Shrines

Little Dragons Shrine
Sooooo cute!!!! Check out their "Worst Dress" section.

Teahouse (very roughly translated)
They have nice fanarts on Wufei. Japanese site.

The Halls of Justice
Analysis, Pictures, with umm...a guy from Ronin.

Japanese site. Again, fanarts. They have a few nice ones, especially the chibi/neko ones.
Not to be missed by Wufei fans. Charming layout, icons, informations, fanfics, fanarts and all things Wufei.

Other Stuff

Heero is Not Toast
Charming site with very cute chibi drawings. Reasons on why Heero is Not Toast and Relena Bashing.


Harry Potter and other recognizable characters belongs to their respective owners. All items put up here has the authors' permission, please do not steal them.

Images and Main layout ® Anime Dreamz.
Final Layout and other stuff ® sevter
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