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Writer's Resources

An Introduction to Britain - A resource for non-British slash writers
Tips on how to avoid the most common mistakes about Britain by non-British slash writers.

Big List of Fanfic Peeves
Trust me. You need to read this

Dr. Merlin's Guide to Fanfiction
I've been told that it's helpful. I think that it's a bit boring myself. Helpful to people who haven't been in the fandom for long

Harry Potter Lexicon
The main site to search for Harry Potter canon and for research

Lasair's Quick and Dirty Guide to Britpicking
Useful advice from Lasair and Maya's website

Lexin on writing - tips and tricks for slash writers
Excellent grammatical and stylistic advice.

Mary Sue: The Stories
A list of links to various articles explaining and defending Mary-Sue. Features the Mary Sue litmus test as well.

Minotaur's Sex Tips for Slash Writers
Very comprehensive and graphic. Excellent resource for slash writers of any fandom.

Nuts, Bolts and Bytes
Features excellent tips on writing, Beta-reading and how to beat the newbie blues

The Craft of Writing
Offers a good many useful advise on writing

The Critics
In charge of editing, reviewing stories with great potential which had a lot of grammar/spelling mistakes.

The Scriptorium
A great site with articles and advice for writers, story starters, exercises, and a whole lot more.

Writer's University
The Most comprehensive site on fanfiction on the net.


Harry Potter and other recognizable characters belongs to their respective owners. All items put up here has the authors' permission, please do not steal them.

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Final Layout and other stuff ® sevter
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