Pirates of The Carribean

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Please note that the stories from Pirates of The Carribean Fandom may not be as good as those from other fandoms as it's very very new

Barb G. | Website: Barb G's Multi-FanPlex

  • Rum, Sodomy and The Brand
    Jack/Will. Post-movie fic, following the title pretty closely.

  • Any Port
    *sequel to Rum, Sodomy and The Brand* What happens when you go hunting for Sparrows using live bait

Beth/CG | Website: purplebrickroad(dot)net


  • Fox Commodore
    Commodore Norrington takes in a neglected pet and suffers the consequences.

Elizabeth Greenleaf

  • A Change of Course
    Post PotC, Jack/Will. Life for Will, and even Elizabeth will never be the same as for the first time they each take their lives into their own hands and Will comes to terms with who he is and who he loves.


  • Full Moon Series

    • Full Moon
      Caught between a rock and a bajillion pirates, Norrington is forced to rely on Jack Sparrow's aid...and then his hospitality.

    • Tides
      Getting better acquainted in the Sex-swing of Luuuuurve.

    • Drowning
      Post-Full Moon, post-Tides. Port Royal draws near, and time is short for, ah, cramming things, ehm...in. Heh.

    • Currents
      Time to say goodbye.

gileonnen | Livejournal

  • Mysticism
    Jack has no religion--he has only beliefs and mysticism. But what a man believes is a powerful thing.

  • My Hat
    Norrington comes to understand something essential about Jack while the pirate is in his custody. Short and insightful


  • Sea Longing
    Will is kidnapped shortly after coming to terms with Jack's leave. Elizabeth sets out to find the only man who can save him. Jack/Will

Lady BD

L.M. Griffin

  • Matter of Rules Story Arc

    • Men of Our Word
      Norrington faces off with a party, socialite stalkers, and the dread annoying pirate Sparrow. However, as Fate often sees to, things do NOT happen as he plans.

    • Acts of Piracy
      Two months after 'Men Of Our Word', Norrington has Jack on the brain and a new pirate threat to deal with. When the two collide, Norrington must think quickly if he wants to catch his prey. However, Jack has different ideas...

    • Rooting For You
      Set moments after 'Acts of Piracy' ends, Norrington takes a walk in Jack's world, and the both of them find more than they bargained for.


  • Commodore Conundrum
    Based on a quote from PotC tCotBP, these are Jack’s reflection’s on a Naval officer with name spoken by few and reputation known by all.


Zwarte Parel

  • Trajectory
    Seven drabbles encompassing James Norrington's life from youth to man.


Harry Potter and other recognizable characters belongs to their respective owners. All items put up here has the authors' permission, please do not steal them.

Images and Main layout ® Anime Dreamz.
Final Layout and other stuff ® sevter
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