Crossover Fics

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gileonnen | Website:Gileonnen

  • Laws of Probability
    POTC/Discworld. Wherein which Jack has not a clue where he is, and is called a Morporkian

Katsu |

  • Acherontia Atropos Series

    • Acherontia Atropos
      GW with a dash of Anita Blake. An alternate reality fanfic, belonging in the Shadow World. Duo's world is turned violently upside-down one day when he finds that the supernatural element of the world is alive and well, and vampires are hunting at his school

    • Pyractomena Borealis
      *sequel*An alternate reality fanfic, belonging in the Shadow World. It is the sequel to Acherontia Atropos. Six months after the end of Atropos, the supernatural once again inserts itself roughly into the lives of the pilots, this time in the form of the Master of Tokyo

Macross VF1 | Website:The Megaroad

  • Balance of Chaos
    multiple xover. Ranma mysteriously disappears without a trace. He comes back one week later but he is changed and has no memories of his previous life. This Ranma doesn't take crap from anyone, be they gods, sailor senshi, aliens or Nerima wrecking crew.

Madamhydra | Website:Madamhydra's Lair

  • A Thin Line Between
    GW/FY. A botched scientific experiment dumps the Gundam pilots and several members of OZ into the world of "The Universe of the Four Gods". All of them are used to risking their lives in battle, but are they prepared to lose their very identities?

  • Cuts like a Scythe
    GW/Highlander. What if Duo is a wee bit -older- than he looks? And what happens when he bumps into an old friend... a *very* old friend?

  • The Ultimate Sin
    Duo Maxwell is missing, the police are lying, and a string of gruesome murders heralds the arrival of a terrifying new serial killer. An eye for an eye. A life for a life.

Stormy1x2 | Website:Stormy Fics

  • Parallel
    HP/GW. Heero Yuy. Harry Potter. The connection between them. The world - past and present - may never be the same again.

  • Duo and the Sorting Hat
    HP/GW. Duo can't leave it alone - he HAS to know where he belongs...A Parallel side-fic, some spoilers


Harry Potter and other recognizable characters belongs to their respective owners. All items put up here has the authors' permission, please do not steal them.

Images and Main layout ® Anime Dreamz.
Final Layout and other stuff ® sevter
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