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Fic Recs

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Site Recs

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Author Recs:

A: Amanuensis, Aucta Sinistra

B: Bernice Russell

C: Cybele

D: Delphi, DementorDelta, Demeter, Diana Williams, Dianann, Dien Alycone, Didokali, dphearson

F: Fabula Rasa, Femmeslash

I: Icarus, Isis

J: j.valentine, JayKay, Josan

K: Kai

M: Minx

N: Nimori, Nym

P: Predatrix

R: Rushlight

S: Seeker, Silverfox, Spyke

T: Tara Tory, Telanu, Titti, Treacle Tart


Diagon Alley
The lack of summary bothers me. In the middle of reconstructuring.

Harry Potter Lexicon
The main site to search for Harry Potter canon and for research

Harry Potter Realm
Cool stuff. Rumours and games.

HP Search
Loads of Links

The Ultimate in Harry Potter. Gallery, info, multimedia, forum...

Prefects Bathroom
Well...exactly what it says

The Ink Stain
Marvellous Layout. Review Etiquette and all. Few fanfics. Not sure slash.

The Leaky Cauldrom
Gallery, news, info...

Golden Archives

Huge archive but difficult to navigate or to search for fics unless you know what you want to look for.

Glasses Reflection
Dedicated only to Potter fics both James and Harry. They've got a nice new layout. Password required for NC-17 stuff.

Ink Stained Fingers
Lots of nice fics. Need password.

Malfoy Slash Archive


Restricted Section
Huge Archive of NC-17 stuff

Severely Severus Snape
Screened Fanfics. Not going to be updated.

Snape Slash Fleet Port of Call
A list of Slash websites, includes Walking the Plank.

Sugar Quill
No NC-17. No slash I suspect... quite interesting though... and they offer beta readers when you post a fic...

Sweet and Sour
A Snape/Hagrid Archive.


Walking The Plank
A wonderful SS/HP Archive. Definitely a Must Read

Fests and Awards

Fuh-Q Fest Registry

Harry Potter Slash Awards

Severus Snape Fuh-Q Fest
This site is one of those golden archive sites where EVERY SINGLE FIC is worth a read. You'll be spoiled for choice!

SS/HP Fuh-Q Fest: From Dusk til Dawn
Quite a few rare gem could be found here. Do apply for the password and take a look around

SS/RL Fuh-Q Fest: Master and The Wolf
Snape/Lupin. Browse around and you may encounter a few gems on the way.


A Community which issues challenges every week and you have to write a drabble in precisely 100 words

Similar to hp100, this one is for challenges that may be squicky in nature

Your Worst Nightmare Challenge
Maeglin Yedi's Your Worst Nightmare Challenge

Recommendations Sites

Cygnus' Harry potter fanfics
Screened and selected fics.

Lady Sorka's Realm
Nice Layout and content. Lots of quotes and recs.

Luthien's Library
Luthien has a very nice Rec site and I find that the author has a similar taste in fanfic to mine. Check out the Author's interviews also.

N.Petrenko Recs

Switchknife Recs
Switchknife herself is a marvellous author with a very organized rec site

Sylvia's Recs

Thistle Recs
No order, kinda hard to search for specific types of fics

Xandria recs


Ayne's Harry Potter Galleries
Nice fanarts.

hot hot hot and HOT!! Did I mention hot? Slash

Destiny Interrupted
Lovely fanart by Ponderosa

Harry Potter Galleries

Harry Potter Parody
Star Wands? What the...

Japanese site. Nice fanarts

Nightingale Moon
Cute HP fanarts.

The Well at World's End
Dedicated to Professor Snape only. There are some nice images.

Japanese. Not sure what's the title of the site but it's nice.

Odds and Ends

Harry Potter Personalities
Awesome Buttons.

HP Devo
Awesome Siggies!!!


Harry Potter and other recognizable characters belongs to their respective owners. All items put up here has the authors' permission, please do not steal them.

Images and Main layout ® Anime Dreamz.
Final Layout and other stuff ® sevter
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