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Midnight Blue

  • Childe of Blood
    I don't usually read Buffy/Angel fics, much less reccommend them. This fic by Midnight Blue however, is just too delicious to pass up.

Detective Conan

Krista | Website:Akane.org

  • The Case of The Missing Detective
    Someone knows Conan's secret, and now the high-school-detective-turned-7-year-old-child finds himself fighting for his life against a mysterious assailant.

Becky Tailweaver | Website:Tailweaver's Chronicles

  • Relative Truth
    When your highest goal is the pursuit of the truth, what do you do when you find out your whole life is a lie? Shinichi Kudo has to face the darkness of his past, but its secrets may shatter all his hopes for the future. And what of Kaitou Kid...?

Full Metal Alchemist


  • Convections
    Roy Mustang character study. Impress, they had told him. Make us see why we should choose you as one of our own.


  • Wax
    Roy/Ed. The Colonel should, by all that is logical in the world, be less intimidating out of his uniform.


  • Candle Light
    "I’ve been an atheist," he said, "since I was eleven."


  • Learning Curve
    Ed shrugged, although his expression suggested he was trying to keep from being too smug about beating a man almost twice his age.

Fushigi Yuugi


  • This Time Round Series

    • This Time Round
      What if Tamahome had never killed Nakago? A race against time and overwhelming odds brings the most unlikely of allies together...

    • Walking a Thin Line
      Reincarnation works in strange ways...Why does Nakago remember, but not Tamahome? And how are Miaka and Taka going to fall in love when Keisuke and Nakago are in the background providing running commentary???

    • Crossroads
      Inser Story to Walking a Thin Line. Nakago and Miaka have been enemies, acquaintances, friends and almost everything else inbetween. Almost...


Authoress Pendragon | Website:Twilight Arc's Hidden Village

  • Blades and Shadows
    Nara Shikamaru: Chunin, lazy, shadow user, family raises deer... Yeah, you know him. All he wants is an average life. How though? People keep trying to make him more than he wants to be. What happened to watching clouds all day? Well, that's life.

Ranma 1/2

Krista | Website:Akane.org

  • Heart of Ice
    A Ranma 1/2 Tale of adventure and romance, myth and magic, love and revenge.

Madamhydra | Website:Madamhydra's Lair

  • Tiger Claw
    Quarreling fiancees and angry challengers are nothing new to Ranma, but this time, things turn unexpectedly violent when the true power of the Neko-ken is revealed in all its dark power.



  • The Becoming
    Sanzo/Goku. His limiter being knocked off was set up to look like an accident, but in reality... Intriguing plot. Mystery fic.

Kanzeon | Website:TheParaphet.net

  • Crossings
    Pre-Goku Sanzo-centric fic. While on his quest for his Master's Sutra, 17-year old Genjo Sanzo runs into a spot of trouble.

Rory V Pascual

  • Metamorphosis
    Gumao was awakened and Sanzo was taken hostage with Kougaiji. Guilty pleasure. OOC pretty much everyone.

Tori Sakana

  • Dokushu
    As usual, the boys can’t go anywhere without getting into trouble. The stakes are high and time is running out, and weapons won’t do any good. Even when you can’t afford to lose, how do you win against something you can’t even fight?

Sherlock Holmes

Telanu | Website: The Rag and Bone Shop

  • Under The Desk
    Another guilty pleasure. A Holmes/Watson PWP. Utterly wicked and without plot whatsoever and also utterly delightful. The first Holmes fanfic I've ever read.

Yami no Matsuei

Madamhydra | Website:Madamhydra's Lair

  • To Be Yours
    What motivates Touda to accept Tsuzuki as his master? What unspoken emotions bind shikigami and shinigami together?

  • Retaliation
    Tatsumi and Watari take a very dim view when someone starts circulating nasty rumors about Tsuzuki. Lesson of the Day: Pissing off Tatsumi is a BAD THING


Madamhydra | Website:Madamhydra's Lair

  • Heart and Soul
    When an enemy's treacherous scheme endangers Mokuba, can Yami and Yugi help Seto Kaiba to confront and accept the true nature of his soul and the Blue Eyes White Dragon?


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