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Allisan Rekrula

  • Duo's Braid
    Duo finally gets tired of Heero's abusiveness. He gives him an ultimatum --- Heero had to find him. Allisan had an interesting theory on why Heero was abusive and had some original details as well. A worthy read. I'm afraid that Allisan had taken off all her fics from the net (don't ask me why). However, try googling for it.

Anria Lalumin | Website: Anria's Archive

  • Discussing Heero Yuy - 206 AC
    *sequel to High Hopes but can read alone* This starts out in a classroom in AC 206, the teenagers are being taught about the great war hero Heero Yuy. What's being taught in the classrooms aren't always the way things really were. This deals with what happens when a trip to Heero's grave is interrupted by another pilot who sets them all straight on the real facts

Aspen | Website: Paper Moon

  • The Pen Cap Massacre
    Short but cute. Heero and Duo are in a school, and Heero is narrating his observations of Duo's tendency to destroy pen caps. He gets a bit more than he bargains for, however, when Duo notices his perusal.

Darkstar | Website: Darkstar's Insanity

  • Chance Encounter
    Years after the war, Duo met someone in a most unexpected place. One of the first fics I read and it still remains my faves

D.C Logan | Website: Maxwell's Salvage

  • DayDreams
    Heero is a reclusive author, Duo runs the bookstore on the ground floor of his apartment building, and they take their own sweet time getting together. Primarily Hurt/Comfort type of story. I adore the fic. I absolutely adore it.

Keelywolf | Website: Keelywolf's Fanfiction Shoppe

  • The Games We Play
    Relena needs a bodyguard for the day, and Duo needs some Ritalin. I liked the mature, thoughtful Relena we see in the fic. Mmmm...warm fuzzies...

Madamhydra | Website: Madamhydra's Lair

  • Balancing The Scales
    An eye for an eye, blood for blood. The boys' past life are haunting them now as another hunts them

  • Dominion Road
    The GW boys hunt down a target at the notorious Roissy pleasure resort, but find themselves becoming the prey of an unexpected sexual predator lurking in their own midst

  • Maxwell's Demon
    What if Relena Peacecraft finds out about Duo Maxwell's darkest secret? Will anyone believe her when she tries to expose that secret?

  • Mechanics of Control
    Now each Gundam pilot finds himself in the merciless grip of his own mental and emotional programming because of the mad scientists mind control.

  • The Other Side
    In a grim technocracy, a sinister Council of scientists rules the world with the aid of the military force known as the Preventers and the fearsome weapons called Gundams. Only OZ stands between the Council and the total domination of mankind

  • Trinity
    Relena pays an unexpected visit to Duo and asks for his help after questioning him about his feelings for Heero


  • The Whispers Arc
    *Jumps up and down* Oooooh!!! I love Maldoror. Her chracterisation is impeccable, not a hint of fandom stereotype in the pilots. Awesome description of surroundings, behaviour and thoughts. The Heero here has surprisingly rigid thought-patterns, much like a machine but yet retains his "human-ness". Mmm...I love her!

Sunhawk | Website: Sunhawk's Archive

  • The Road Trip Arc
    Duo torture. Awesome storyline and Duo's characterisation is superb. One the best Heero/Duo fics I've ever read.


Isabelle Kraft

  • The Devil Made Me Do It
    Trowa is a monk. Quatre is the devil. And so the devil and the monk went into business together selling pretty flowers to people in a completely secular way. And they lived happily ever after. The moral of the story is obviously.... Crime doesn't pay, flowers are pretty.

Kay Zozma

  • Sunrise
    Story one of The Victors Sequence but I haven't read the rest yet. Quatre and Trowa's first meeting, as seen through the ever-watchful and sentimental eyes of one of the Maguanacs. This story has amazing characterisation. Both Trowa and Quatre's personality has a depth that is rarely seen in other fics. Very very sweet.

Lady Bast | Website: Lady Bast's Fanworks

  • Prince of Nekheb
    Trowa, a Teresh prince and prisoner of war, is sent to Nekheb to learn about the culture of his ancient enemy, Egypt, in the court of Prince Quatre. But not all is as it seems, and caught in a web of intrigue, Trowa must unravel the secrets of Nekheb to find the truth and decide the city's ultimate fate: prosperity or death. Excellent characterisation, plot and storyline. Vivid, unfolding drama that clutch you and refused to let go.


Ashkara | Website: Ashkara's Fanfiction Vault

  • The Saint
    A very entertaining AU fic where both Trowa and Duo are professional thieves. Trowa's character is very similar to Frank Abagnale Jr. in "Catch Me If You Can". Worth a read.

Babaca | Website: Babaca Fanfics

  • Talk, Talk, Talk
    Duo has a problem, will any of his old friends and loves be able to help him?

Banshi |

  • Urchin
    A long story about Duo fixing the problems left after the war for L2, the man trying to subvert him, and the man helping him. Hell, Wufei who got so little scene here is perfectly characterised in my not-so-humble opinion. You can definitely see why those two are perfect for each other.

Flamika | Website: Lost Atlantis


Clever Young Thief

  • My December
    Angsty. The fic is like watching yourself do something when you're in shock. Numbing. A desperate, haunting feel. I don't want to spoil it anymore for you.

Jane | Website: Iron Puncher

  • Love in War
    ANGST, DEATH. Really angsty. There is no room for love in war.


  • The Arrangement
    Novel-length, Wufei POV galore. Very nice relationship dynamics, unique take on their relationship. "Wufei, struggling with his demons, agrees to a wartime fling with Heero, no affection needed or wanted. But the 'arrangement' lasts and grows as they join the preventers. It could become a source of strength for both... if they let it."

  • Watching Me, Watching You
    Humour. Post-war Preventer-ness. Nothing else that will not give the plot away. Slightly OOC Wufei.

Red Pearl

trowacko | Website: trowacko's asylum

  • Effortless
    A PWP doesn't seem to quite describe it. A soulful story that explores the relaitionship between the two. Simply delightful.

Windchijmes | Website: Windchijmes Pavilion

  • Loving the Nights
    "Amidst the nights and rain, two lonely souls meet and spark off an urban fairy-tale." Very sweet.


Ashkara | Website: The Vault

  • Eyes of The Dragon
    Mystical and Magical, set in modern times. Wufei is an ancient dragon in human guise following Duo around. He is infatuated with Duo, and once they meet, Duo shares the sentiment.


  • I Watch Him As I Sleep
    Two-part fic from Duo & Wufei POV. It's sooooo sweet!!! A narrative that can come only when you know your partner well.

Girl Starfish | Website: Girl Starfish's Archive

  • Wufei's Wish
    It's a delightful little story with a supernatural tinge to it. It's hard for me to explain but in this story, Duo and Heero is together. However because of certain interference...


  • When Fallen Angels Fly
    I liked the way the author threw in some unique perspective on Meiran and her relationship to Wufei. The slow build up to the actual romance appeals to me too. What I didn't like was that when it actually got to the romance part, it kinda falls flat. I would have preferred if the author ended it jsut before the sex. It is a good piece though.

Kuwabara no Miko | Website: KnM's page

  • Time
    There is nothing that is particularly remarkable about the fic. Characterisation of Wufei's a bit off, plot's a tad cliched, cheesy at some points. Yet the story drags me in, refusing to let go. Perhaps it's my "comfort fic" syndrome showing up again. Sweet.

Lethanon | Website: Mahkee Webs

  • Reprieve
    Evil G, slightly OOC characters, totally unique timeline and an interesting enough relationship development between Heero and Hilde and Relena and Dorothy in the background.

Mel and Christy | Website: Death and The Dragon

  • Death and The Dragon Arc
    Dec, AC197: Duo is missing. Wufei and the others must bring him back, but can they get past the misunderstandings that drove him away?

Razorqueen | Website: Razorqueen's Archive

  • With Two Hands
    Stranded in a deserted cabin with Duo, Wufei confronts his own feelings--and Duo. Sweet, slow fluff.

s1ncer1ty | Website: s1ncer1ty's Gundam Wing Fanfiction

  • Bleed
    Background 13x5 which is detrimental to the plot. A truly unique relationship that Wufei and Treize have. Moderate angst

  • Return Home
    Wufei's POV. After months of being apart, Wufei returns to Duo to find him in the throes of a nightmare. Surprise ending. Bitter-sweet.


Anne Olsen | Website: Dryerspace

  • Triunity Universe

    • Thin Red Line
      1xR 3x4 2x5. Excellent fight scene, plot and characterisation. The shuttle transporting Relena, Quatre and Trowa to a political conference is hijacked in an endeavour to reveal the identity, and exact revenge, on a specific Gundam pilot. But it's five years after the Eve Wars, and people change. Or did they always have a predilection for attempting stupidly heroic things in the name of love and friendship?

    • Eye of the Dragon
      Kicking back and having a few beers with your friends is harmless enough. Except when your friends are a group of horny ex-Gundam pilots who think 'kinky' is a way of life rather than just a five letter word. Quiet scene one fine night.

Blue Soaring | Idle Hands

  • Idiosyncrasy
    3x5. Trowa has a little problem with Wufei's lunch habits.

Erin Cayne

  • Barely Living
    5x? I found the fic a tad confusing however it does have a very nice emotional hurt/comfort undertone to it. Angsty.

Gina Lin | Gundanium Line: Gina Lin's Archive

  • Merging Series
    3x4x5. A series focusing on Trowa, Quatre and Wufei's growing friendship and more. Very nice dynamics in the development of their friendship. It's the quiet kind of fic.

Girl Starfish | Website: Girl Starfish's Archive

  • Over Coffee
    Multiple Pairings. How often in life do you meet your true love on the first date? Not often, that's for sure. You have to wade through a bunch of people before you find true love. Quatre's a rich bachelor looking for love - and he's not having much luck. After a string of less than successful dates, he finally meets "the one", only to have tall dark and handsome disappear on him. He continues to date, however, and hope that Mr. Mysterious will make another appearance. Yummy! Very funny and amusing.

Hex | Gundanium Line: Hex's Archive

  • Baseball Series

    • Steling Home
      3x4x5. Quatre, Trowa and Wufei all take a vacation on earth and stay in a house together. This leaves Quatre thinking about the couple he loves and his own loneliness. Sweetly poignant without being too angsty.

    • Pinch Hitter
      3x4x5. Quatre gets a Preventer as a bodyguard for the Colonial Economic Summit. He explores his feelings for Trowa and Wufei a little more while away from them, even if it's just for the day. A complex but smooth mix of humour and contemplativeness.

kc-chan | Website: blake-light tragedies

  • Somewhere
    AU-ish 5x6. It's the classic Alternate Universe story where Wufei was thrown into a different reality. It's slightly different from the average story though. Give it a try. And slightly mystery-ish as well. want to know the ending damnit!

Kracken | Website: Kracken's Fiction

  • Lost Soldiers Series
    2x6, slightly OOC. Duo is just trying to cope after the war, but he gets help from an unlikely source, Zechs Merquise. Bastard! Heero. The other pilots aren't nice either.


  • Beautiful Symmetries
    1x2x5 "After the war, Wufei is glad to be alone. But two other pilots come back into his life, and that's when the trouble starts for the solitary dragon." Humour. Slightly OOC Wufei.

Ruth | Gundanium Line: Ruth's Archive

  • Torments of The Dragon
    Wufei blames Duo for Sally's death, how far will his friends go to save them both? Pairing is complicated but have elements of 3X4, 3x2, 4+5 etc... Unique perspective of both Wufei and Duo. The ending's too clean-cut for my taste but it's okay I guess.

Sunhawk | Website: Sunhawk's Archive

  • Dark Silences
    Sufei's POV. Slightly angsty. A mission gone sour brings about an unexpected relationship. What a sucky summary, mine.

Windsor Blue | Gundanium Line: Blue's Archive

  • Buried Treasure
    1x2x5 3x4 but more action/adventure than romantic. Quatre and Wufei are seized by an unknown assailant - will Duo, Heero and Trowa come to their aid in time?


  • Alternate Dualities
    Various pairings. During a Preventer mission to secure a black hole generator, something goes terribly wrong and Duo is thrown into a series of alternate universes. Not only are the worlds he's thrown into not like his own, neither are the relationships he has with his comrades. VERY interesting, there's mystery, action, angst....mmmm...I LOVE IT!!!





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