Gundam Wing: Notes

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A Little Note from the Webmistress

Gundam Wing is an old fandom for me. This is the only fandom which I can recall exactly which fic has dragged me in. And I've NEVER read the manga or watched the Anime before. I still haven't fixed that problem yet. I have loads of fond memories on this fandom. I have to start from scratch to build up my collection all over again since I lost quite a number of links to my favourite fics.

My tastes has certainly changed. Previously, I liked Duo a lot and I read really a LOT of 1x2x1. Nowadays, my thoughts turn to Wufei and I discovered that his fics are in short supply. Decent fics with nice characterisation, substantial plot and all. I love plot-driven fics. I liked "+"s a great deal more than I like "x"s. Sex scenes bores me at the best of times if they serve no purpose whatsoever to the plot. I'm not very fond of heavily-angsty fic.

So in short what you need to know is I prefer plot-driven fics, smut bores me if they're not detrimental to the plot, I like +s better than xs. I adore Wufei. Duo is my old flame. And I prefer Yaoi to Het. Most fics here are here because I liked them. They affects me in some strange way.

That's all. The fics are sorted by pairing. I do hope you enjoy your stay here.






Harry Potter and other recognizable characters belongs to their respective owners. All items put up here has the authors' permission, please do not steal them.

Images and Main layout ® Anime Dreamz.
Final Layout and other stuff ® sevter
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