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Alleyprowler | Gundanium Line: Alleyprowler's Archive

  • Undone
    Betrayal and justice as seen from Wufei's point of view. Very nice portrayal of Wufei. Interesting storyline. Angsty but not so much so.

Avarice | Website: Facades

Bane's Desire

  • Something In The Way He Moves
    There's a reason why Wufei acts the way he does, always striving for perfection, and he's trying to hide it from his fellow pilots. Background 1x2, 3x4.

Dyna Dee | Website: Shinigami & Wing

  • An Unexpected Christmas
    The boys have been stranded in the desolate cold of Montana, with OZ hot on their trail and nowhere to run. How will they find their way out of the situation? Religious themes. Warm, fuzzy fic. Christmasfic.

Flamika | Website: Lost Atlantis

Haraamis | Gundanium Line: Haraamis's Archive

  • Purpose
    The Eve Wars are over, and people are celebrating the new peace. But not everyone has reason to celebrate. Wufei's POV. Slightly angsty at the beginning.

Hitori | Website: Hitori Desu

  • Concessions
    Wufei-POV; the philosophy of war by way of two dying pilots. You *could* take it as 5+2 UST but like the author says, that really isn't the point. What happened between Wufei and Duo in that cell with the air cut off?

Kedriaa | Gundanium Line: Kedriaa's Archive

  • Beer, Nachos and Anime
    Wufei's take on the feast of St. Valentine. Fei's slightly OOC but it is wonderfully reflective. One of those quiet fics.

Krista | Website:

  • Here Comes A Candle
    Supernatural happenings abound. Duo has been kissed and not in the usual sense. The first GW fic that I've read, also the one that lures me to the fandom in the first place

  • Lost Boy
    Before L2...before Duo...before all this happens. A boy lives

  • White Sepulchers
    Is Duo merely suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or is the Threat real?

Lady Bast | Website: Lady Bast's Fanworks

  • But For The Love of My Sisters
    Someone's been collecting Winners. Unable to contact Quatre and fearing for his life, Trowa and Duo investigate and find a little more than they bargained for. Excellent horror fic. Disturbing imagery.

  • Paradise Landing
    It just occured to me that Lady bast manages horror very very well. There's that story *points up* and now there's this spooky fic. This is HORROR. People who like strawberry milkshakes also want to stay away from this. PLEASE read the warnings carefully.

  • The Hungry Ghost
    Lady Bast strikes again! This one's only vaguely disturbing though and you may not like the ending much. Set some time after Wufei has joined the Preventers. Wufei manages to make a down payment on a house - with a few stipulations - but it turns out to be less than a happy home.

Spooks | Website: Twisted Perspective

  • Asylum
    1+2 3+4 5+M. Slash components but nothing beyond a lime. It's THE Asylum fic. There's no way to summarise the fic while doing it justice at the same time. The plot's complicated but the VERY brief summary is that all the boys are held in an asylum for various reasons. They had to rely on each other against the mysteries that threatens them all.

trowacko | Website: trowacko's asylum

  • Righteous
    Ummm...I don't know exactly how to describe this without spoiling it. Wufei's disillusionment. Political content (in GW).





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